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词汇 Mexican
例句 The delightful pungency of Thai, Indian, and Mexican food comes from chili peppers and spices.泰国、印度和墨西哥食物中爽口的辛辣味来自辣椒和调味香料。Investors are holding out from Mexican stocks until they see clear signs of an economic recovery.投资者在看到经济明显好转之前坚持不买入墨西哥股票。The flowers toned perfectly with the Mexican rug.这些花和墨西哥地毯非常相配。We're studying dramatic texts by Mexican playwrights.我们正在研究墨西哥剧作家的剧本。She took me to a Mexican restaurant.她带我去了一家墨西哥餐厅。Those mountains are in Mexican territory.那些山脉在墨西哥境内。Mexico's Defense Ministry this month signed a pact that allows Mexican troops to train at American bases.墨西哥国防部本月签署条约,使墨西哥军队可在美军基地上接受训练。It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences.它被译制成西班牙语以方便墨西哥观众观看。He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War.在墨西哥战争中他参军成为一名二等兵。An old Pontiac pulled up, with a young Mexican man at the wheel.一辆旧的庞蒂亚克牌汽车停了下来,驾车的是一个墨西哥青年。Their Mexican dishes are tasty but somewhat inauthentic. 他们的墨西哥菜味道不错,但有点不正宗。The prize is named for the late Mexican writer Juan Rulfo.该奖以已故墨西哥作家胡安·鲁尔福的名字命名。The crowd did a Mexican wave.人们做出了一个墨西哥人浪。I'm a manufacturer, and I ship electronic goods across the Mexican border, so the new levies will definitely affect my business.我是生产商,要把电子产品运过墨西哥边境,所以新的征税肯定会影响到我的生意。Maria speaks Spanish with a Mexican accent.玛丽亚的西班牙语带有墨西哥口音。I like Mexican food, but it gives me indigestion.我喜欢墨西哥食品,但吃后会消化不良。We often cook traditional Mexican meals for our guests.我们常为客人做传统的墨西哥饭菜。He's Mexican born and bred. = He was born and bred in Mexico. 他在墨西哥出生和长大。She prepared a very authentic Mexican meal.她准备了一顿非常正宗的墨西哥大餐。I don't think they'll accept Mexican money on the plane.我想飞机上他们不收墨西哥币。Mexican American workers faced forced repatriation.墨西哥裔美国工人面临强制遣返。Charlotte has really developed a touch for Mexican cooking.夏洛特真的练就了一手墨西哥好菜。The new generation of Mexican artists and architects were inspired by their own Indianist past.新一代的墨西哥艺术家和建筑师从他们自己的印第安文化传统汲取创作灵感。The Mexican economy went from boom to bust very quickly, with disastrous results for the people.墨西哥经济很快由繁荣转向崩溃,给民众带来灾难性后果。The museum has a superb collection of Mexican pottery.博物馆里藏有一批精美的墨西哥陶器。Donna's latest passion is cooking and eating Mexican food.唐娜近来爱上烧墨西哥菜和吃墨西哥菜。Next came the total reorganization of the Mexican Attorney General's Office.接下来是墨西哥司法部长办公室大改组。The Mexican government had its hands full fighting a war on three fronts.墨西哥政府要打一场三面受敌的仗简直是穷于应付了。Mexican forces were ordered to avoid all hostilities with the American troops.墨西哥军队奉命要完全避免与美军交战。The Mexican president expressed hope for cooperation on trade.墨西哥总统表达了进行贸易合作的希望。The Spanish I learned at school is very different from the local vernacular of this Mexican village.我在学校里学的西班牙语与我现在住的这个墨西哥村子里所说的本地方言差别非常大。Do you like Mexican food?你喜欢墨西哥食品吗?Among Mexican music fans, Fernandez is a legend.对墨西哥的音乐迷来说,费尔南德斯是个传奇人物。Their action is designed to call attention to the double standards operating in the Mexican judicial system.他们行动的目的是要人们关注墨西哥司法制度中实行的双重标准。I've tried Mexican food here in London, but it just isn't the same as in Mexico.我在伦敦尝过墨西哥食品,不过跟墨西哥的并不一样。I have no likings for American Jazz, but I am very much taken to the Mexican ranchera.我不喜欢美国的爵士乐,但我很喜欢墨西哥的兰伽拉。Mexican law prohibits the clergy from teaching in universities and schools.墨西哥法律禁止神职人员在大学和中小学内教书。Mexican Indians used to wrap tough meat in leaves from the papaya tree.墨西哥印第安人过去常用番木瓜树叶把难嚼的肉包起来。The report concerns the drug traffic on the Mexican-US border.这份报告讲的是墨西哥和美国边境的毒品交易。The seven-day cruise stops at Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and other Mexican resorts.七天的海上游览要在圣卢卡斯角、巴亚尔塔港以及墨西哥其他的一些旅游胜地停靠。




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