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词汇 fatty
例句 All the evidence points to a fatty diet being the main cause of heart disease in the West.所有证据都表明高脂肪的饮食是西方国家引发心脏病的主要原因。Consumption of fatty acids may help prevent the disorder.消耗脂肪酸可能有助于预防这种疾病。Fish is high in unsaturated fatty acids.鱼类富含不饱和脂肪酸。Since my heart attack, I've cut fatty foods out altogether.自从得了心脏病,我就彻底不吃油腻的东西了。Everybody knows that too much fatty food is bad for you.大家都知道,吃太多油腻的东西对身体不好。You'll have to make some changes in your life - stop smoking and eating fatty food, and stop working so hard.你必须在生活中作些改变—戒烟、不吃油腻食物、工作不要太累。My doctor said to go easy on fatty foods.我的医生说要少吃高脂肪食品。There is a general presumption that fatty foods are bad for your heart.普遍认为高脂肪食物对心脏不好。My doctor told me to avoid fatty things like donuts and potato chips.我的医生叫我避开甜甜圈和薯条那些高脂肪的食品Avoid fatty foods and starches.避免食用高脂的和含淀粉的食物。Goose is a very fatty meat.鹅肉是高脂肪肉类。She is trying to cut down on fatty foods.她试图少吃高脂肪食品。Athletes have hardly any fatty tissue…运动员几乎没有什么脂肪组织。Lean meat is healthier for you than fatty meat.对你来说,瘦肉比肥肉更有利于健康。A hamburger is far more fatty than lean steak.汉堡比瘦牛排脂肪含量高多了。I'm trying to cut down on fatty foods.我现在尽量少吃含脂肪多的食物。It is prized for foiling oily fish, fatty meats and dairy-rich desserts.其因给油性鱼类、多脂肉类和含乳量高的甜点做锡箔而备受青睐。Cut down on fatty foods if you want to lose weight.如果想减肥的话就得少吃高脂食物。There's evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.有证据表明,与肥肉相反,油性鱼类对身体有益处。Try to avoid fatty foods like cakes and biscuits.尽量不要吃蛋糕和饼干这一类高脂食品。Too much fatty food will make your arteries clog up.吃太多的高脂食物会阻塞动脉。I try to avoid fatty foods.我尽量避免吃高脂食品。The chicken looked nice and plump but not too fatty.这鸡看上去结实、肉多,但又不是太肥。Have salmon or other fatty fish more often.多吃一点鲑鱼或其他含脂肪的鱼。I have been diagnosed with fatty liver.我被诊断出患有脂肪肝。I make it a rule not to eat fatty foods.我不吃油腻的食物,这是我的习惯。The nerves are protected by thin sheaths of fatty tissue.神经由薄薄的脂肪鞘保护着。The doctor advised him specifically not to eat fatty food.医生特别劝他不要吃多脂肪的食物。Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet.尽量不吃含脂肪多的食物。The coronary arteries were narrowed, and fatty deposits were present in the aorta.冠状动脉变狭窄,主动脉中出现脂肪沉积。Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease may progress to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis.非酒精性脂肪肝疾病可能会进一步导致肝纤维化和肝硬化。The doctor told him not to eat fatty foods.医生告诉他不能吃脂肪多的食物。I need to lay off fatty foods and lose some weight.我需要停止食用高脂肪食物,减轻体重。He can't overcome his weakness for fatty foods.他无法抵挡高脂肪食物的诱惑。The doctor told me to keep off fatty foods.医生嘱咐我不要吃油腻的食物。There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.有许多证据表明油性鱼,与高脂肪肉不同,对人体有益。I'm trying to keep off fatty foods.我尽量不吃油腻的食物。It causes fatty infiltration of the liver.它会引起肝脏脂肪浸润。Cut down on fatty meat such as sausages and pork pies.少吃香肠和猪肉馅饼之类的肥肉。She's trying to eliminate fatty foods from her diet.她尽量杜绝饮食中的高脂肪食物。




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