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词汇 fault
例句 It wasn't really the driver's fault; it was just one of those things.那其实也不是驾驶员的错,这是不可避免的。He insists that these problems are not his fault.他坚称这些问题并非由于他的过错。It's a bit much to say it's totally our fault.说完全是我们的错有点儿过分了。Lack of courage is his worst fault.缺乏勇气是他最大的缺点。If the book has a fault, it's that it's too long.要说这本书有什么不足的话,那就是太长了。He told me it was my own fault, which wasn't very supportive.他告诉我这是我自己的错,毫无鼓励之意。It's my fault.这是我的过错。If she was disappointed, it was her own fault for expecting too much.如果她失望的话,那是她自己期望过高造成的。She's a really sweet person and she's generous to a fault.她是个非常善良的人,而且十分慷慨。She told me bluntly it was my own fault.她不客气地跟我说那是我自己的错。They feel shame and guilt as though it is their fault.他们觉得羞愧和内疚,就好像这是他们的错。Incorrectness in speech was considered a great fault in a gentleman.对一位绅士而言,言辞不得体被认为是一大缺点。The party at fault in a court case usually pays the other party's legal costs.在诉讼案件中,有过错的一方通常要为另一方支付诉讼费。She believes it was the doctor's fault that Peter died.她认为彼得的死是医生的责任。I admit it was entirely my fault.我承认全都是我的错。She says it's Charlotte's fault, which is stupid, and that she blames her.她说那是夏洛特的错,真是一派胡言,竟然还责怪她。You shouldn't feel guilty - it wasn't your fault.你不必感到内疚,这不是你的错。What do you mean, it was my fault?你什么意思,是我的错吗?Well don't be angry with me - it's hardly my fault that it's raining!好啦,别再生我的气了——下雨又不是我的错!They've found a major fault with the electrical system.他们已经发现一处重大的电力系统问题。There was a fault in the engine design, which had disastrous consequences.发动机设计上有个毛病,带来了灾难性的后果。Oh, the whole episode was entirely his fault.唉,整件事完全是他的错。Of course she was angry - but it's your fault for telling her about the whole thing in the first place.她当然要生气了,但把这件事全都告诉她首先就是你的错。A mechanic is trying to localize the fault.技师正在寻找故障所在。People had suffered through no fault of their own.人们无端遭受了苦难。The fire was started by an electrical fault.这场火灾由电力故障引起。His main fault is that he tends to sell himself short.他的主要缺点是他总是低估自己。Whoever's fault the accident might have been, it certainly wasn't mine.事故的错不管是谁的,肯定不是我的。It wasn't her fault, she was trying her best to help.这不是她的错,她是尽力帮忙的。They will only assume that, as a woman, the fault lies with me.他们只会假定是我出了错,因为我是女人。They said it was all my own fault. There's justice for you!他们说这都是我的错。简直不公平!The center exists to help those who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.该中心旨在帮助那些并非由于自己的过失而失去工作的人。I feel bad enough without you constantly telling me how it was all my fault!我已经够难过的了,用不着你老跟我说什么一切都是我的错!Some people claim that it is the UN that is at fault.有些人说联合国负有责任。He has been kind enough to overlook my fault.他很宽容,原谅了我的错。Television coverage of the event was truncated by a technical fault.对比赛的电视直播因技术故障而被缩短。I omitted to mention that it was my fault.我一时疏忽,忘了提及那是我的错。It's demoralizing to work for someone who constantly finds fault with you.为不断找茬儿的人干活令人泄气。The only real fault of the book is its looseness of structure.这本书唯一真正的缺陷是结构松散。I'm not saying it was your fault. I just think you could have checked.我不是说这是你的错,我只是说你应该检查一下。




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