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词汇 mentally
例句 He was physically strong and mentally agile.他身体健壮、思维敏捷。Who will look after your affairs if you become mentally incapable?如果你精神失常的话,谁来照看你的事务?This type of arrangement remains valid even if you become mentally incapable.哪怕你精神失常,这种协议也仍然有效。To be mentally alert and sharp in your old age, you must remain mentally active throughout your life.要想在年老时仍然思维敏捷,你必须在一生中都保持思想活跃。He displays a fearlessness that borders on the mentally insane.他表现出一种近乎疯狂的无所畏惧。Her uncle was mentally unstable and unfit to raise a child.她的叔叔精神不稳定,不宜抚养孩子。The race is going to be both physically and mentally demanding.赛跑会在体力和心理上都有较高要求。I feel infinitely better mentally and physically.我觉得精神和身体都好了太多。Two major areas in which mentally retarded children require help are memory and attention.智障儿童主要是在记忆力和注意力这两方面需要帮助。She mentally rehearsed what she would say to Jeff.她在心里复述着要对杰夫说的话。Just as the emotional needs of the mentally disabled are overlooked, so too are their spiritual needs.就如精神有问题者的情感需求被忽视一样,他们心灵上的需要同样也遭到忽视。She mentally filed the name away for later.她把这个名字记在心里,以便以后用。He wasn't mentally equipped to handle this situation.他还没有做好应付这种局面的思想准备。She has worked as an advocate for the mentally and physically challenged. 她一直作为残障人士的支持者而工作。She exhausted Nell both mentally and physically.她使内尔身心俱疲。He abused his wife both mentally and physically.他从精神上和肉体上虐待妻子。She came back from work exhausted, both physically and mentally.她下班回来已经身心俱疲。The joke was seen as a slur against the mentally ill.那个笑话被看作是对精神病患者的侮辱。This technique will help people mentally organize information.这项技术会帮助人们在脑海里组织信息。She's the warden of a home for mentally handicapped people.她是一所精神病院的院长。He is strong physically but weak mentally.他身体强健,但智力差。She was mentally competent and she had the capacity to decide for herself.她当时心智健全,有能力自己作出决定。I feel mentally prepared to handle this situation.我觉得我已做好处理这种境况的思想准备。The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.目前对严重精神病患者的护理安排不足以满足他们的需要。The hospital has issued new guidelines on the treatment of mentally ill patients.医院就精神病患者的治疗发布了新的指导原则。When I left the army, I was in a very strange place mentally. 离开部队时,我心里总觉得不是滋味。The old woman was either a criminal or mentally defective.这名老妇不是罪犯,就是脑筋有问题。As he reflected on his appalling behaviour, he mentally composed a letter of apology to his host.他一边反省自己的恶劣行为,一边打腹稿,给主人写道歉信。He retired mentally in the thin veil of smoke that rose across his face.面前轻烟缭绕,他陷入了神思。She mentally ticked off the names of the people she had already spoken to.她在心里记下已经谈过话的人的名字。At the end of the race she was completely exhausted, both mentally and physically.比赛结束时,她在精神上和身体上都疲惫不堪。Older adults who exercise are mentally sharper than their couch potato peers.与终日看电视的同龄人相比,有锻炼习惯的老人思维更敏捷。The murderer was apparently mentally disturbed.该杀人犯显然精神失常。She is emotionally/mentally unstable.她情绪/精神不稳定。He was shown to be mentally unbalanced.他被证明精神有问题。When you're older I think you're better equipped mentally to cope with whatever happens.你年龄再大一些后,我想你就会有更强的心理承受能力来面对所发生的任何事。The trend is towards reintegrating mentally ill people into the community.目前的趋势是将精神病人重新融入社会当中。He works in a hostel for the mentally ill.他在一家精神病人收容所工作。Lieutenant Ryan closed his eyes, first mentally viewing the different crime scenes, then correlating the data.瑞安中尉闭上眼睛,先是在脑海里回想了一遍不同的犯罪现场,然后将这些信息联系起来。It is barbaric to put mentally impaired criminals to death.将智障罪犯处死是野蛮行为。




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