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词汇 粉色
例句 She was wearing a violent pink sweater and orange trousers.她穿着异常鲜艳的粉色毛衣和橙色的裤子。The classic camp ornament is the pink plastic flamingo.经典的俗丽装饰物是粉色塑料火烈鸟。She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her.她穿的那件薄薄的粉色连衣裙在身后飘舞。A pair of pretty, faded pink antique curtains was the starting point for the room's colour scheme.一幅漂亮的褪色仿旧粉色窗帘是房间色彩搭配的基调。Pictures of little cupids floating in pink clouds covered the ceiling.天花板上到处是漂浮在粉色云朵上的小丘比特像。A pink ribbon had been tied around the crown of the hat.帽子顶部系着一条粉色的缎带。The tree displays pretty pink flowers in the spring.春天,这棵树上挂满漂亮的粉色花朵。She had arrived dressed in pink.她穿着粉色的衣服到达。The carpet was a dusty pink.地毯是灰粉色的。She wears a pink Lycra all-in-one for her aerobics class.她参加有氧健身班时穿一件粉色莱卡连身服。Was that Peter who just jogged past in those bright pink shorts?刚从我们身边慢跑过去、穿亮粉色短裤的人是彼得吗?Trust me - it's not comme il faut to wear a pink tie to a funeral.相信我——系粉色领带参加葬礼不合适。The room was painted in tones of pink.房间漆成了深浅不一的粉色It has deep pink scented flowers.这个品种会开深粉色且有香味的花。Several of the pink roses are open this morning.今天早上有几朵粉色玫瑰花开放了。The room has pink walls and a green carpet, which to my mind looks all wrong.墙壁刷成了粉色,铺了一块绿色的地毯,在我看来这根本不相配。Hit the pink ball against the bank.粉色球打向库边。The room was painted in soft pink.房间刷成了柔和的粉色She painted her nails with pink nail polish.她用粉色的指甲油涂了指甲。That's a funny combo - pink and orange.多么可笑的组合——粉色和橘黄色。She wore a pink skirt with a matching top.她身穿一条粉色裙子和一件与之相配的上衣。The living room was painted in pastel shades of pink and blue.起居室被漆成淡雅的粉色和蓝色。The baby had been asleep in her nest of pink and white blankets.婴儿睡在粉色和白色毛毯铺成的小窝里。She examined her bright pink nails, picking at her cuticles.她仔细地查看了自己亮粉色的指甲,不停地扯着死皮。Through the basement window I saw him strap on his pink cycling helmet.透过地下室的窗户,我看到他正在把他那粉色的自行车头盔系在头上。She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.她穿鲜亮颜色的衣服最漂亮,如红色和粉色There was a neatly folded pink sweater on the back of the chair.椅子的靠背上搭着一件叠得整整齐齐的粉色毛衫。She’s wearing a pink sweater and plaid pants.她正穿着粉色的毛衣,格子呢的裤子。She was wearing a vivid pink shirt.她穿着一件鲜艳的粉色衬衫。The women have elaborate necklaces of turquoise and pink coral.那些女人戴着由绿松石和粉色珊瑚制成的精美项链。Her hair was decorated with dainty pink flowers.她头发上装饰着几朵粉色小花。She felt very conspicuous in her pink coat.她觉得自己穿粉色外套非常抢眼。Mollie confesses she is rather partial to pink.莫丽承认她十分偏爱粉色Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony.鲜红和粉色的天竺葵如瀑布般从我的阳台垂下。He was making a fashion statement by wearing a pink suit.他穿了套粉色西装,以此彰显其时尚品位。It produces white, pink, or red blooms, with dark green foliage.它有深绿色叶子,开白色、粉色或红色的花。Mr. Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake.朗先生正在给自己切一块粉色蛋糕。Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts - go on, I dare you!穿上那件低胸衬衫,再配上粉色短裤——就照这样打扮,你有胆量就穿上试试!Choose a shade with a hint of pink.请选一种带一点粉色的颜色吧。Jamelia looked stunning in her pink evening gown.杰米莉亚穿着粉色的晚礼服,看起来美艳动人。




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