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词汇 粉末
例句 She brushed the powder out of her hair.她把头发上的粉末刷掉了。Wet the powder thoroughly and mix to remove lumps.将这些粉末彻底弄湿,搅拌均匀并剔除结块。Mix the powder with enough water to make a smooth paste.粉末和足够的水混合调成均匀的糊状。Powder is fluidized whenever it is necessary to lift it vertically.每当需要垂直向上输送粉末时,就使之流化。The detergent is sold in both liquid and powder forms.该清洁剂以液体和粉末两种形式出售。She crushed the peppercorns into a fine powder.她把胡椒粒捣成很细的粉末Mix the powder with boiling water.用开水把粉末调和。When mixed with water the powder forms a smooth paste.和水混合以后,这种粉末会形成均匀的糊状。Accidental inhalation of the powder can be harmful.意外吸入这种粉末会造成伤害。The powder is soluble in water.这种粉末可溶解于水。The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see.空气中充斥着柴油烟雾和煤尘粉末,黑乎乎的,我几乎什么都看不见。The powder is mixed with cold water to form a paste.粉末加冷水搅拌成糊状。The powder settled to the bottom of the cup.粉末都沉淀到杯底了。Mix together the different powders.将不同粉末混合起来。Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.粉末倒入溶液中,搅动到溶解为止。The police dusted the table for fingerprints. 警方在桌面上撒粉末收集指纹。The powder is made from the roots of the plant.这种粉末由植物根制成。Bits of pulverized rock filled the air.岩石粉末弥漫在空气中。She pulverized a dried herb mix into a fine powder.她把干草药混合物磨成了粉末The old iron hinge rusted and eventually disintegrated into dust.旧的铁合页生锈并最终碎裂成了粉末The old cloth fell to dust as she touched it.她一碰那块古帛,它就碎成了粉末The substance is dehydrated and stored as powder.该物质经脱水处理后以粉末形式储存。Put a small amount of the powder into a container and mix with water.把少量粉末放入容器,加水混合。Before the photo dries, the image is dusted with a special powder.照片晒干之前,先在影像上撒一种特别的粉末She tasted the powder and it was sweet.她尝了尝那粉末,是甜的。Mix the powder and water into a stiff paste.粉末和水混合成稠糊。The chemical reaction begins as soon as the powder is moistened.这种粉末一潮湿就会发生化学反应。A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.发现了一包白色粉末,刑侦专家正在对其进行分析。




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