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词汇 memorable
例句 It was a memorable game between two evenly balanced teams.那是在势均力敌的两个队之间的一场难忘的比赛。The lavish production makes this musical truly memorable.这部音乐剧的豪华制作阵容给人留下了深刻印象。I haven't seen them since that memorable evening when the boat capsized.自从发生翻船事故的那个令人难忘的夜晚以后,我再没见到过他们。One memorable afternoon, we visited a Shinto shrine.一个难忘的下午,我们去参观了神道教寺庙。It was the most memorable line of the play.这是这部戏里最令人难忘的一句台词。She is determined to make it a memorable occasion.她下定决心要使之成为一次难忘的盛会。The team enjoyed a memorable triumph last night.昨晚球队获得了一场难忘的胜利。Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终。It was considered his most memorable work.这被认为是他最值得注意的作品。My father's experience taught me a memorable lesson in how to get ahead.我父亲的经历给我上了难忘的一课,教会了我如何走上成功之路。On this memorable occasion we salute the wonderful work done by the association.在这个难忘的时刻,我们对协会的出色工作表示赞扬。The cruise was memorable for the food.这次巡游中的食物令人难忘。This was indeed the most memorable day of my life.这确是我一生中最难忘的日子。It was a truly memorable experience.这真是一次难忘的经历。In real-life, the band have memorable songs and a stage vigour that enthrals.在现实生活中,这支乐队的一些歌曲令人难忘,他们的舞台魅力令人着迷。The romantic evening cruise will be a memorable experience.这次浪漫的晚间巡航将是一次难忘的经历。The smoothness of the flight was memorable.这次平稳的飞行令人难忘。I'd like to thank everyone for helping to make this day memorable for us.我想感谢所有人,你们的帮助让今天成为令我们难忘的日子。Annette's performance as Eliza Doolittle in 'Pygmalion' was truly memorable.安妮特在《卖花女》中扮演的伊丽莎·杜利特尔这个角色实在令人难忘。These are the things that make dinner parties memorable and fun.这些事能使宴会令人难忘而有趣。The evening was climaxed by his memorable speech.他令人难以忘怀的演讲把那个晚会推向了高潮。Her performance was truly memorable.她的表演真的令人难忘。It had been a memorable day.这一直是个难忘的日子。What's your most memorable moment from your years on the stage?你登上舞台这么多年,最难忘的一刻是什么时候?The story was memorable because, as far as I recall, it was the only book in the school library that even mentioned a black person.这则故事令人难忘,因为就我的记忆所及,这是学校图书馆里唯一讲到黑人的书。For our anniversary, we wanted to do something memorable.为了庆祝周年纪念日,我们想做点儿难忘的事。She gave a memorable performance.她的表演令人难忘。This romantic evening cruise is a memorable experience.这趟浪漫的乘船夜游是一次令人难忘的经历。He renders the piano concerto with a memorable justness and beauty.他把钢琴协奏曲处理得既忠实又优美,令人难以忘怀。Their music is bright and breezy but not very memorable.他们的音乐欢快而自信,但不是太容易让人记住。His features were not very memorable.他的相貌不是很容易让人记住。There are some memorable one-liners in every Woody Allen film.伍迪·艾伦每一部电影里都有几句让人忘不了的俏皮话。Peart's lyrics are instantly memorable.皮尔特的抒情诗令人过目难忘。The title track is pretty memorable.同名主打歌曲很是令人难以忘怀。We want to make this a truly memorable day for the children.我们想让今天成为孩子们永远难忘的日子。The experience was memorable for all of us.这一经历是我们大家难以忘怀的。Fronted by Alan Hull, the band had a number of memorable hits.乐队在艾伦·赫尔的带领下创作了许多令人难忘的畅销曲。Those who saw the performance thought it memorable.那些看过表演的人认为表演令人难忘。




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