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词汇 medium-sized
例句 Take two medium-sized potatoes.拿两个中等大小的马铃薯。A medium-sized dog will devour at least one can of food per day.中型犬每天至少要吃掉一罐狗粮。Bogie was a medium-sized man.博吉是一个中等身材的人。An offspring from a short and a tall parent may be medium-sized; but it carries genes for shortness and tallness.父母一高一矮,其子女可能是中等身材,但是会携带矮个和高个的基因。Reports have indicated that a growing number of medium-sized companies are under financial pressure.报告显示越来越多的中型企业承受着财务压力。This alarm clock takes two medium-sized batteries.这个闹钟需要装两节中号电池。Use a medium-sized saucepan.用一个中等大小的平底锅。Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。Small and medium-sized accountancy firms are having an especially tough time.中小型会计师事务所正经历着特别艰难的时期。




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