例句 |
Paintings representing religious themes were common in medieval times.表现宗教主题的绘画作品在中世纪很常见。In medieval times, many warriors loyal to the king received knighthood during an accolade.在中世纪的时候,好些忠于国王的武士都被授予骑士爵位。The poet sang of knights and medieval times.诗人歌颂了骑士和中世纪。These spices were first brought to Italy from the East in medieval times.这些香料最早是在中世纪时从东方被带到了意大利。In medieval times, it was illegal for Christians to practise usury.在中世纪时期,基督徒放高利贷是不合法的。The practice has continued from medieval times to the present day.这种做法从中世纪时期一直延续至今。The hereafter was uncertain in medieval times.中世纪时,未来充满不确定性。In medieval times the sapphire was believed to offer protection to its wearer.中世纪时期,蓝宝石被认为可以保护它的佩戴者。Today's ceremony is a modern version of a tradition which has its origins in medieval times.今天的仪式是一种源于中世纪的传统的现代版本。 |