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词汇 medical profession
例句 Harry entered the medical profession.哈里开始行医了。He is a leading member of the medical profession.他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。The new medicine is a welcome addition to the armamentarium of the medical profession.这种新药给医务界增添了一项受欢迎的医疗手段。Alexander tried to get his work recognized by the medical profession.亚历山大设法让医学界承认他的工作。People in the medical profession are pressing for genuine reforms in policy.医学界人士强烈要求在政策上来一次真正的改革。More women are now filling the ranks of the medical profession.现在,更多的女性正在加入医疗行业。The medical profession is always telling us we should exercise more.医务工作者总是叫我们要多加锻炼。Their daughter recently became a member of the medical profession.他们的女儿最近进入了医学界。You are a disgrace to the medical profession.你是医学界的耻辱。The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now.现在,医务人员的态度开明多了。Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession.我们反对滥用药物的运动得到了医学界的支持。You've destroyed my faith in the medical profession.你摧毁了我对医疗事业的信念。The magazine's chief function is to keep the medical profession up to date with the latest advances and drugs.这本杂志的主要作用是让医学界掌握有关医疗技术和药物的最新信息。For years the medical profession was unable to police itself.几年以来,医疗卫生事业不能把本身治理整顿好。He has served the medical profession admirably.他在医学界的工作令人钦佩。The medical profession has been debased by these revelations.这些事被披露后,医生这门职业的声望受到损害。He left the medical profession and took to journalism.他离开了医学界,开始从事新闻工作。These proposals are unpopular with most of the medical profession.这些提议在多数医务人员中都不受欢迎。We have had to contend with the disinterest of the medical profession about this topic.我们不得不努力应对医疗界对这个话题的冷漠。We have had to contend with the disinterest of much of the medical profession about this topic.我们必须全力对付很多医疗界人士对这一话题的冷漠。The recent court cases have been very damaging to the public image of the medical profession.最近几个诉讼案件大大损害了医疗行业在公众心目中的形象。Reducing the number of staff is certain to inflame the already angry medical profession.裁员一定会使本已不满的医务人员更加愤怒。Her work on finding a cure for cancer has been widely acclaimed by her colleagues in the medical profession.她为探索癌症疗法而作出的努力受到医学界同行们的广泛赞扬。




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