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词汇 meals
例句 Avoid getting overtired or missing meals when at all possible.尽可能不要过度疲劳或不吃饭。They tend to snack rather than sitting down for proper meals.他们习惯于吃零食,而不是正儿八经地坐下来吃饭。I became quite clever at making tasty meals out of nothing.我变得很擅长变戏法似的做出美味佳肴。Jazz up your everyday meals with our new range of seasonings.使用我们新推出的系列调味品,一日三餐更有滋味。He is always sponging on her for meals.他老是靠她吃白食。This restaurant serves meals family style.这家餐馆以家常便饭方式供应饭菜。The cook was producing edible meals.厨师正在做美味佳肴。All meals begin with a short prayer.每餐饭都以简短的祈祷作为开始。As ever, the meals are primarily fish-based.像往常一样,饭菜主要是鱼。Children should have three square meals a day.儿童应该一日三餐都吃得健康丰盛。You shouldn't eat between meals.正餐之间不应该吃零食。Don't give in to the temptation to snack between meals.不要屈服于两餐之间想吃点心的诱惑。Peasants share meals of autumn abundance with us.农民们和我们一起吃秋收之后的丰盛饭菜。Many men don't appreciate how much work it takes to cook three meals a day.许多男子不体会一日做三餐要花费多少劳动。Choose a variety of foods and ring the changes with meals.选择不同种类的食物,每顿饭换换花样。All meals are included in the price.所有的餐费都包含在价格中。The meals are generally excellent.饭菜总体来说很好吃。They are also spending much less on extras like meals in restaurants.他们花在下馆子等额外消费上的钱也少多了。I know of one company where members of staff get their meals free.我知道有一家公司员工午餐是免费的。It's a terrible bind to have to cook your own meals.必须自己做饭真是太烦人了。In planning the meals she always considers her husband's preferences.在准备饭菜时,她总是考虑到丈夫爱吃的东西。Many companies subsidize meals for their workers.许多公司给员工膳食津贴。Sally pooh-poohed the idea that you need three meals a day.萨莉对你一天要吃三顿饭的想法嗤之以鼻。We often plan our meals well in advance.我们经常很早就计划好要吃什么。This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day.这样她就有充裕的时间准备一日三餐饭。In exchange for looking after the children, Annie has all her meals paid for and receives a small monthly allowance.安妮照看孩子的报酬是三餐免费和每月一小笔津贴。A little something with his meals was an absolute necessity to him.就餐时少许喝点酒对他来说是绝不可少的。All dietetic meals are low in sugar.所有减肥餐的含糖量都很低。Their diet plan was perfect for me because I was able to pick and mix my meals from a whole range of foods.他们的饮食计划对我来说很完美,因为我可以从所有食物中挑选我喜欢的饭菜。The tour is free, but all meals are at your own expense. 本次旅行免费,但所有餐费自理。The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded.事实证明,航空公司向素食乘客收取素餐费的做法不得人心,因而已被取消。You mean you're not going to smoke one or two, like after meals?你是说要戒烟了,比如饭后抽一两支也免了? Being under stress can cause you to miss meals, eat on the move, or bolt your food.人在压力之下有时会吃不上饭,或边走边吃,或是匆匆吃上几口。Don't serve water at meals unless someone asks for it.除非有人要,就餐时不要端水上去。Dehydrated meals, soups, and sauces contain a lot of salt.脱水餐、汤和调味料含有大量盐分。If you can stomach replacing most of your meals with shakes and soups, this is the diet for you.如果你能习惯以奶昔和汤取代大部分膳食,这就是你的规定饮食了。I used to put away huge meals before I went on a diet.以前我节食之前,总会大吃几顿。Some ready-made meals are nutritious and easy to prepare.有的速食餐既有营养又容易做。Chew your food well and do not rush meals.充分咀嚼食物,吃饭不要太快。Don't let eating between meals become a habit.不要养成吃零食的习惯。




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