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Some former conservatives are returning to the party under the new leader.一些过去的保守党人在新领导人执政时重返该党。Diplomatic etiquette forbids calling for the death of a national leader.外交礼节禁止公开要求处死国家领导人。World leaders met to discuss climate change.世界领导人会面讨论气候变化问题。The leader was chosen by a show of hands.这位领导人是通过举手表决选出来的。The country's leaders boycotted the event in protest.这个国家的领导人都拒绝参加这项活动,以示抗议。He's trying to smooth over differences between the two leaders.他在试图消除两位领导人之间的分歧。His series of articles on party leaders has stirred up a great deal of public controversy.他一连串关于党领导人的文章激起了公众大辩论。There is a need for constructive dialogue between leaders.领导人之间需要进行建设性的对话。Foreign leaders are expected to attend a formal dinner at Buckingham Palace.外国领导人预计将出席在白金汉宫举办的正式晚宴。A note of discord surfaced during the leaders' meeting.领导人会议期间浮现出不和之音。Both leaders seemed to expect measurable progress.两位领导人似乎都期望取得显著的进展。Opposition leaders were unanimously unimpressed by the government's claims.反对派领导人一致认为政府的声明不可信。UN leaders hope to prevent the fighting from spreading.联合国领导人希望能阻止战争蔓延。The leader has also learned to play more melodically.这位领导人也学会了演奏得更加优美动听。Rwanda is to hold talks with leaders of neighbouring countries next week.卢旺达下周将与周边国家的领导人举行会谈。The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.新的领导人把统治家族驱逐出境。The leaders gave their assent to the peace proposal.几位领导人同意了这项和平建议。An apparently failing memory is damaging for a national leader.明显的记忆力衰退对一个国家领导人来说极为不利。If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.如果新领导人能将党内互相争斗的各派力量整合起来,那将是个了不起的成就。The party leaders were all found to be corrupt in varying degrees.党的所有领导人都被发现存在不同程度的腐败行为。The coup leaders have ignored their pledges to hold democratic elections.政变领导人背弃了他们进行民主选举的诺言。The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.政府竟然企图逮捕反对党领导人。The need to protect the nation places a heavy burden on the shoulders of state leaders.保卫国家是压在国家领导人肩上的重任。The opposition leader accused government ministers of manipulating the statistics to suit themselves.反对派领导人指责政府部长篡改统计数据以满足自身利益。The leaders conducted a bitter review of their debacle.领导人们对他们的惨败进行了一次沉痛的检讨。All party members will have the right to vote for the new leader.所有党员都有权投票选举新的领导人。Most leaders were obsessed with catching up with the West.大多数领导人一心想着赶超西方。The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions.那个鲁莽的领导人老是作轻率的决定。Opposition leaders are accusing the government of running down the Health Service.反对派领导人谴责政府在缩减保健服务。World leaders will address the problem of global warming.世界各国领导人将着手解决全球变暖问题。He is respected as a leader who is willing to stand up to the West.他作为一名敢于反对西方国家的领导人而受到尊敬。Racial tensions in Fiji were exaggerated for political ends by leaders of the opposition.反对派领导人出于政治目的夸大了斐济岛上的种族紧张局势。Who is next in line when the current leader of North Korea dies?现任领导人去世之后将会由谁继任?The Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi repeated his call for the release of hostages.利比亚领导人卡扎菲上校反复呼吁释放人质。Who will be the next leader to rule the country?谁将是下一位管理这个国家的领导人?The Party doesn't seem to know what to do about its embattled leader.该党看来不知道该怎样处理这位四面楚歌的领导人。Richards and his team have already started planning his campaign for election as party leader.理查德和他的竞选班子已经开始计划竞选党领导人的活动。The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale.自由民主党领导人指责首相,说他鼓舞保守党士气之举纯属白费功夫。He was working in coalition with other Unionist leaders.他在与统一派的其他领导人一起携手努力。The leaders met for the specific purpose of preserving the ceasefire.领导人们专门为了维持停火而会面。 |