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词汇 meagre
例句 The refugees waited for their meagre / meager rations of soup.难民们等待着少得可怜的配给汤。He managed on the meagre income his wife earned.他靠妻子挣来的些微收入勉强过活。The patient isn't restricted to a meagre diet.并没有限制这位病人少吃东西。It was difficult to live on his meagre earnings.靠他那么一点工资生活是很困难的。Companies are put off investing in poor areas because of the meagre pickings to be had.因为没什么油水可捞,各公司都延迟了在贫困地区投资。He busked to supplement his meagre wages.他靠街头卖艺来贴补微薄的工资。The injured climbers had only meagre / meager supplies of water and peanuts to live off.受伤的登山者只剩下少量的水和花生赖以生存。In spite of her meagre Hebrew, she was perhaps the most acclimated.她的希伯来语尽管讲得不好,但恐怕倒是她最适应环境。Her knowledge of music is meagre.她的音乐知识很贫乏。She eked out a meagre / meager living as an artist's model.她靠当画模勉强为生。Few of us can ever pull on with such meagre salaries.就这点菲薄的工资,没有几个人应付得了。




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