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词汇 matted
例句 The rest of the women entered the dwelling and sat on the matted floor.其余的女士进入住所,坐在铺着毯子的地板上。She had matted hair and torn dusty clothes.她蓬头乱发,衣衫褴褛,满是灰尘。The matted leaves broke his fall.多亏有堆积的树叶,他摔得不厉害。Steel ploughs sliced through the matted roots.钢犁切割错结的盘根。The room is matted.这房间地上铺著草垫。The surface was matted.表面作了磨砂处理。The cat's fur was matted with blood.这只猫的毛被血粘成一团。Constant tramping over the area had matted down the grass.那地方经常有行人践踏,草都给踩平了。The floor is matted.地板上铺上了小地毯。The swimmer's wet hair was matted together.那游泳者的湿头发乱糟糟结成一团。Her hair was matted with blood.她的头发沾着血,粘在了一起。The hairs were matted together very firmly and could not be separated.头发紧紧地缠成一团理不开。The floor is fully matted.地上全部铺上了厚垫子。The picture was matted and framed.照片被镶边放在镜框里。




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