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词汇 maternal
例句 English is their maternal language.英语是他们的母语。Aunt Mary was a large, maternal woman who worked as a nurse in a children's hospital.玛丽大妈是个体态肥胖,像母亲般慈祥的女人,她在一家儿童医院里当护士。Seeing the baby aroused all her maternal instincts.看见这婴儿唤起了她所有的母性。The older girls seemed to feel quite maternal towards the younger ones.年长些的女孩对年龄较小的孩子非常呵护,像母亲似的。Her maternal grandfather was Mayor of Karachi.她外公曾是卡拉奇市的市长。I didn't have as strong a maternal instinct as some other mothers.我不像其他一些母亲那样有那么强烈的母性本能。She showed her daughter's picture with maternal pride.她怀著作为母亲的自豪感拿出女儿的照片给人看。My oldest sister, Roberta, used to fuss over me in a rather maternal manner.我的大姐罗伯塔过去总是以母亲的方式对我宠爱有加。After having been subjugated to ambition, your maternal instincts are at last starting to assert themselves.你那被雄心壮志压制已久的母性本能终于开始展现出来。Her maternal love binds her to her home.她的母爱使她对家恋恋不舍。I don't know if it was maternal instinct or what, but I just knew my baby would be okay.我不清楚是出于母性的直觉还是什么,反正那时我知道宝宝会没事的。Annie was wonderfully warm and maternal.安妮非常亲切慈爱。Studies show that prolonged exposure to maternal depression can result in childhood mood disorders.研究表示,长期受母亲的忧郁症影响会导致童年期情绪紊乱。Her feelings towards him were almost maternal.她对他几乎都是母亲般的感情。Lack of maternal love can have a profound effect on a child's psychological development.缺少母爱会对孩子的心理成长产生深刻的影响。Doctors are concerned about the effects of the drug on maternal health.医生担忧这种药对产妇健康的影响。Leigh takes a maternal attitude toward the Chinese girl.莉像母亲一般对待这个中国女孩。




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