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词汇 accomplishment
例句 This plan is difficult of accomplishment.这个计划很难完成。Her technical accomplishment on the piano is impressive.她在钢琴技巧方面的造诣令人惊叹。Regular exercise gives a feeling of accomplishment.经常锻炼可以给人一种成就感。Completing the project on time and under budget generated a feeling of pride and accomplishment among the team.按预算准时完成这个项目令全队产生了自豪感和成就感。The establishment of full diplomatic relations with China was a major accomplishment of the Carter administration.和中国建立全面的外交关系是卡特政府的一项重大成就。There is a real sense of accomplishment when everything goes right.一切顺利时,人们就会有真正的成就感。This is no small accomplishment.这项成就非同小可。It would be quite an accomplishment if we could get this finished in time.如果我们能及时完工,就算是大功告成了。The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment.第一次在月球上行走是一项了不起的成就。Their sense of accomplishment was obvious.他们的成就感显而易见。She is known for her accomplishment in improving the country's hospitals.她因在改进国内医院方面卓有成就而著名。The award recognizes extraordinary accomplishment in the field of medicine.这一奖项表彰的是医学界取得的非凡成就。His accomplishment exceeded our expectation.他的成就超过了我们原先的期望。I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢说你讲不出现任首相的哪怕一项重大成就。Nursing gave her a sense of accomplishment.护理工作让她有了成就感。Arranging the peace talks was a remarkable accomplishment.安排和平谈判是个重大的成就。If this works, it will be a major accomplishment.如果成功,这将是一项重大的成就。Her proudest accomplishment was to finish school.她最引以为荣的成就就是完成了学业。Cutting the budget was an impressive accomplishment.削减预算是一项了不起的成就。It was a not inconsiderable accomplishment. 这可是个不容小视的成就。The team's undefeated run this year is an outstanding accomplishment.这支球队今年创下的不败纪录是一项杰出的成就。He described her as a woman of charm, accomplishment and beauty.他把她描述为一个迷人、优雅、美丽的女人。Your suggestion has greatly contributed to the accomplishment of our work.你的建议大大地促进了我们工作的完成。When the work was done, he had a sense of accomplishment. 完成了那项工作,他很有成就感。His function is vital to the accomplishment of the agency's mission.要完成该机构的使命,他的作用至关重要。The performance showed great technical accomplishment.表演展现了技巧方面的很高造诣。We celebrated the successful accomplishment of our task.我们庆祝圆满完成任务。We celebrated the accomplishment of all our goals.我们为完成了所有的目标而庆祝。




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