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词汇 market economy
例句 There is private ownership of property in a market economy.市场经济体系中财产是私有的。He wants a switch to a market economy without reducing the standard of living. This sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.他希望在不降低生活水平的前提下转向市场经济。这听起来像是希望鱼和熊掌兼得。When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not survive.推行市场经济后,很多工厂将难以生存。The transition from a communist system to a free market economy will be difficult.从殖民统治转变为自治会很困难。Unemployment, inflation, and greater inequality are often the downside of a market economy.失业、通货膨胀和不平等的加剧常常是市场经济带来的不利一面。What he wants is a switch to a market economy in a way which does not reduce people's standard of living. To many this sounds like wanting to have his cake and eat it.他想要转型为市场经济,同时又不降低人们的生活水平。在许多人看来,这是想要鱼与熊掌兼得。Thatcher has always been a passionate believer in the ideals of a free market economy.撒切尔一向是自由市场经济这一理想的热情信奉者。Slowly the country is adapting to the new market economy.该国正慢慢地适应新的市场经济。The government is having to introduce some difficult changes, particularly in moving over to a market economy.政府不得不推行一些艰难的变革,尤其是向市场经济体制的转变。An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.积极扩张的市场经济是发展的必要条件。It will ease their passage to a market economy.这将使他们更顺利地过渡到市场经济。The idea was to abandon the communist model, and create a market economy in its place.这个想法是要抛开老的模式,取而代之以市场经济。His task was to elaborate policies which would make a market economy compatible with a clean environment.他的任务是制定详细政策,使得市场经济和清洁环境能够共存。These countries are harnessed to a market economy.这些国家都在搞市场经济。He again called for a faster changeover to a market economy.他再次呼吁加快向市场经济过渡。This model does not describe accurately the way a market economy actually functions.这一模型没有准确地说明市场经济实际是怎样运作的。Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.他们最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。In this chapter I will discuss the development of the market economy.在本章里,我将讨论市场经济的发展。Estonia is switching to a market economy.爱沙尼亚正在向市场经济转轨。




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