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Millions of families have climbed a bracket or two.数百万家庭的收入已提高了一两个档次。He was accused of taking the radio station downmarket in order to compete with commercial stations.他被指责降低了电台的档次来和商业电台竞争。T-shirts, long the epitome of American casualness, have grown up and moved upscale.长期以来作为美国休闲风代表的T恤已经崛起,档次也提高了。In this country the good players are pulled down a notch or two.在这个国家,优秀选手的水平降了一两个档次。The east bay offers low rents without the low-rent image.东海湾租金低,但又不给人档次低的感觉。According to one restaurant reviewer, the two chefs are not even in the same league. 一位餐厅评论家认为这两位厨师的厨艺不在一个档次。This product is a notch above its competitors in quality and price.这个产品在质量和价格上都比同类产品高一个档次。He's not in the same league as you.他和你不是一个档次的。His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places.他的地理考分使他的名次提前了好几个档次。This is one of the better restaurants in this part of town.这是城里这一带档次较高的餐厅之一。These machines are in the higher price bracket.这些机器属于价钱比较高的档次。 |