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词汇 mark
例句 A thanksgiving ceremony was held to mark the occasion.举行了一个感恩仪式以示庆贺。She was leading at the halfway mark/point of the race.她在跑过赛程一半时处于领先位置。We put some tape on the floor to mark where the tables should go.我们在地板上贴一些胶带标示出桌子该放的位置。They mark them with a red cross.他们在它们上面打红色叉号标出。Her angry reaction showed that his criticisms had found their mark.她发怒表明他的批评正中要害。Male cats spray to mark territory.公猫以撒尿标记自己的地盘。We would like to offer you this gift as a mark of our esteem.我们送给您这个礼物表示对您的尊敬。Growing up during the war had left its mark on her.战争中的成长经历在她身上留下了烙印。She had a red mark on her arm where she'd burned herself.她胳膊上烧伤的地方留下了红色的疤痕。There was a red mark where the pigeon had pecked her hand.她的手被鸽子啄了后留下一块红印。A willingness to ask tough questions is the mark of a good journalist.勇于提尖锐的问题是一名好记者的特征。The players wore black armbands as a mark of respect.运动员们佩戴着黑袖章以示尊敬。You've got a mark on your face.你脸上有块污渍。Don't worry about that mark - it won't show.不要担心那块斑—看不出来的。Years of conditioning had left their mark on her, and she never felt inclined to talk to strange men.多年的熏陶对她影响很深,她从不愿意跟陌生人说话。No one can accuse pensioners of being slow off the mark.谁也不能责怪那些靠补助金生活的人反应迟钝。The movie was expected to gross millions, but that forecast was wide of the mark.这部影片预计有几百万的收入,但是这个预测太离谱了。Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification.纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。Unemployment stands at a high-water mark.失业人数创下最高纪录。A firework display was organized to mark the Queen's birthday.为庆祝女王生日而组织了烟火表演。Shiny wooden surfaces tend to mark very easily.光亮的木质表面很容易留下划痕。They presented him with a watch to mark his retirement.他们送给他一块手表作为退休纪念。Her kindness left its mark on her students.她的善良给学生们留下了深刻的印象。I got a passing mark.我得了及格分数。The dirty water left a mark around the side of the bathtub.脏水在浴缸壁上留下一圈污迹。The scandal left a mark on his reputation.那件丑事玷污了他的名声。Courtesy is the mark of a true gentleman.谦逊有礼是一名真正的绅士的特征。How did you get that mark on your shirt?你衬衣上的污渍是怎么弄的?That boy worries his mother sick. He'll be the death of her, you mark my words.那个男孩让他母亲愁得要命,总有一天会把他妈妈愁死的。你就记着我的话吧。The scars of poverty have undoubtedly left their mark.贫困给心灵造成的创伤毫无疑问地留下了烙印。The comma falls inside the quotation mark.逗号放在引号内。She makes the dance look easy - the mark of a true professional.她让舞蹈看起来很容易,这是真正的专业舞蹈家的特点。Efforts to reduce traffic and improve road safety will miss their mark if they don't pay attention to the needs of women.如果不关注妇女的需求,那么减少交通压力和提高道路安全的努力就会付之东流。There was a dirty mark on his trouser leg.他的裤腿上有一处污渍。A newly-arrived executive is usually anxious to make his mark in a new firm.新上任的行政人员一般都急于要在新公司里做出一番成绩。A question mark hangs over the future of the company.这家公司前途未卜。Such single-mindedness is a mark of a champion.如此专心致志是一个冠军的特质。He isn't up to the mark.他不能胜任。East German wages were converted at the rate of one old East mark for one Deutschmark.东德的工资兑换比率是一个旧东德马克兑换一个德国马克。He thinks that indecisiveness is a mark of weakness. 他认为优柔寡断是软弱的表现。




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