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词汇 marital
例句 They've enjoyed many years of marital bliss. 多年来他们婚姻美满。There had been rumours for a long time of Clinton's marital infidelity.克林顿对婚姻不忠的传言由来已久。The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.婚姻不忠会提升领导人可信度的暗示荒谬之极。Her husband has admitted having an extra-marital affair.她丈夫承认有婚外情。The personal allowance depends on your age and marital status.个人免税额的多少取决于年龄和婚姻状况。Her son had no marital problems.她儿子没有婚姻问题。They've been in the news a lot recently because of their marital problems.他们最近由于婚姻问题而频繁出现在新闻报道中。He believed in marital fidelity.他认为婚内应该忠诚。Caroline was keen to make her marital home in London to be near her family.卡罗琳渴望将婚后的家安在伦敦,以便离娘家近些。Thus the marital relationship took the form of a pedagogy and a government of behaviour.因此婚姻关系在形式上是一种行为教育和控制。The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.对婚姻不忠反而会增加领导人的可信度,这种暗示是荒谬可笑的。Money problems often lead to marital breakups.金钱问题常导致婚姻破裂。It wasn't what you would call marital bliss, but it was a good, solid marriage.那婚姻不能用百般恩爱、如鱼得水来形容,却是幸福而又稳固的婚姻。He was far too preoccupied with his own marital difficulties to give any thought to his friend's problems.他一心想着自己的婚姻难题,一点都没有考虑朋友的问题。Caroline was keen to make her marital home in London.卡罗琳渴望婚后把家安在伦敦。People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures.人们可以容忍公众人物婚外的不检点行为。Could I ask you about your marital status?我能问一下你的婚姻状况吗?Their difficulties are financial rather than marital.他们面临的困难是经济方面的,与婚姻无关。They've been having marital problems/difficulties.他们的婚姻一直存在问题/纠葛。Age, sex and marital status all affect earnings and income.年龄、性别和婚姻状况都影响着收入。She also alluded to her rival's past marital troubles.她还影射了对手过去的婚姻问题。He has admitted to a number of marital infidelities.他承认有过几次婚外情。The police have the power to stop people holding their marital disputes in public.警方有权阻止夫妻在公共场合吵架。What is your marital status?你的婚姻状况如何?Their marital problem was resolved by the domestic relations court.他们的婚姻问题已由家庭关系法庭解决。The news about his marital problems does not place/put him in a good light. 关于他的婚姻问题的报道对他有负面影响。How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex, and marital status.老年生活的幸福程度在很大程度上取决于种族、性别以及婚姻状况。She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems.她无论如何不会上法庭解决婚姻问题。The clamour to draw a veil over the minister's extra-marital activities reeks of hypocrisy.想要掩饰部长婚外情的喧嚣叫嚷之声让人倍感虚伪。She alluded to her rival's past marital troubles.她提到了竞争对手过去的婚姻问题。Suffice it to say that they're having marital problems.无须多说,他们的婚姻遇到了问题,。He came out only slightly tainted by telling millions of viewers he and his wife had had marital problems.他在数百万电视观众面前公开承认自己与妻子的婚姻出现了问题后,声望只是略有下跌。There were a few marital mementoes I hadn't had the heart to discard.有一些我不忍心丢弃的结婚纪念物。They asked questions about the age, sex and marital status of all the people in the house.他们询问了屋里所有人的年龄、性别和婚姻状况。Many wives do not report acts of marital violence to the police.许多妻子遭受丈夫的暴力却不向警方报告。His marital troubles have made the stuff of gossip.他在婚姻问题上遇到的麻烦成了人们的谈资。The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating and marital status were ignored altogether.对这些数据按照所在街区进行了分析,但像信用等级、婚姻状况等其他关键变量则一概忽略不计。An old friend of mine, newly spliced, recently invited me to dinner in his new marital home.我的一位刚结婚不久的老朋友最近邀请我到他的婚房去吃晚饭。They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home.他们举出了亚历克斯拒绝回夫妻二人的家一事。She felt as if her marital problems were beyond remedy.她觉得她的婚姻问题好像已经无法挽回了。




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