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词汇 express
例句 Students must learn to express a point of view cogently and with clarity.学生必须学会清晰、有说服力地表达观点。She did not hesitate to express the disdain that she felt.她毫不犹豫地表达了她的鄙视之情。The children were encouraged to express themselves freely and openly.孩子们受到鼓励,要自由而大胆地说出自己的想法。The express aim of the treaty is to keep the whole region free from nuclear weapons.这个条约的明确目的是实现整个地区的无核化。A special express service is available by fax.提供传真特快专递服务。I can hardly express the joy I felt at seeing her again.再次见到她,我的喜悦难以言表。The regime is dogmatic, and no one dares to express personal opinions.该政权很专制,没有人敢表达个人意见。Bill's not afraid to express his opinions.比尔从来不怕表达自己的观点。Women always say men can't express their emotions.女人总是说男人不会表达情感。There's lots of room to express yourself creatively.有很多让你展现创意的机会。I couldn't find the right word to express the concept.我找不到恰当的词来表达这个概念。I can only express absolute disgust that any public official would act in such a dishonest way.政府官员行事竟然如此不诚实,对此我只能表示十分的厌恶。They called for demonstrations to express revulsion at the profanation of a Jewish cemetery.他们号召举行示威游行,以示对亵渎犹太公墓行为的强烈反对。He wanted to express his appreciation for all they had done, but words failed him. 他想对他们所做的一切表示感谢,但却不知道该说什么。Many men find it hard to express their feelings.许多男人觉得很难表达自己的感情。I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the staff for their patience.我要对全体员工的耐心表示深深的感谢。She finds it difficult to express herself in English.她觉得很难用英语来表达自己的意思。The express train hurtled past.特别快车轰隆轰隆地疾驶而过。Words cannot express my sorrow.言语无法表达我的哀伤。The express passed by at a tear.特快列车疾驰而过。He sent the package to us by express.他通过快递把包裹寄给了我们。The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and stage of development.儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。She was never able to express her love for Henry.她从来都不会表达她对亨利的爱。We wish to express/offer/send our sincere condolences to your family.我们希望向您的家人表达/致以/送上诚挚的慰问。It is the story of a middle-aged businessman, who starts going to tango lessons, and learns to express himself through dance.这个故事讲的是一个中年的生意人参加了探戈舞学习班,后来学会了通过舞蹈来表达自己。He had boarded an express for Rome.他已经登上了前往罗马的特快列车。He finds it difficult to express his feelings.他觉得很难表达自己的情感。I should like to express my thanks for all that you have done.我想对你所做的一切表示感谢。Please send the parcel express.请以快递方式寄这个包裹。Everyone has a right to express their opinion.人人有权发表自己的观点。To be an artist means to express emotion.艺术家就是要表达感情。You can express yourself freely.你可以畅所欲言。In Greek tragedy, the role of the chorus is to express the audience's reactions to what is happening in the play.在希腊悲剧中,合唱队的作用是表达观众对剧情发展的反应。My father is a stoic by nature and found it hard to express his grief when my mother died.我父亲天生隐忍克制,我母亲去世时他很难表露自己的悲伤之情。The chairman asked me to express our appreciation of all your hard work.主席要我对大家的辛苦工作表示感谢。She doesn't express her emotions as much as he does.她没有他那么爱表露情感。The express train whizzed past the station.那列快车飞速掠过车站。My grandfather found it hard to express his feelings about the war.我的祖父觉得很难表达他对战争的感受。He did not know how to express his love for her.他不知道如何表达对她的爱。




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