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词汇 marched
例句 Over ten thousand workers marched through the capital demanding higher wages.一万多名工人横穿首都游行示威,要求增加工资。She marched into my office.她大步流星地走进我的办公室。They arrested the men and frog-marched them to the local police station.他们逮捕了这些人,并把他们押送到当地警察局。He marched off, whistling a merry tune.他吹着一首欢快的曲子大步走了。Several thousand people marched on the French embassy.数千民众到法国使馆示威游行。They marched all the way from London to Edinburgh.他们从伦敦一路行进到爱丁堡。Demonstrators marched on City Hall to protest the war.游行示威者朝市政厅行进,以示对这场战争的反对。The demonstrators marched through the streets, leafletting and shouting slogans.示威群众走过大街,一面散传单,一面喊口号。Caesar marched north into the forests that border the Danube River.恺撒挥师北上,深入到多瑙河沿岸的森林地带。He turned on his heel and marched away angrily.他猛地转过身,愤怒地大步离开了。We marched peacefully through the streets.我们的游行队伍平静地穿过一条条街道。She marched into my office and demanded to know why I hadn't written my report.她冲进我的办公室,质问我为什么没写报告。The soldiers marched in serried ranks towards the station.士兵们排成密集的行列齐步走向车站。He marched angrily out the door.他愤怒地冲出门外。Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out.安迪转过身,大步走向克里斯,一拳把他击倒在地。They marched wearily, their boots sinking into the mud.他们疲倦地行进着,靴子都陷进了泥里。He marched down the passage, and the establishment ducked and smiled.他顺着过道走去,全体人员都点头弯腰并致以微笑。Caesar marched into Rome with an army at his back.恺撒在军队的支持下长驱直入罗马。Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president.示威群众挑着燃烧的总统画像沿街游行。The troops marched in and took the city by force.军队入侵并强行占领了这座城市。The band marched through the streets.乐队齐步走过街道。He marched a foreign army into the capital.他指挥外国军队开进了首都。The Queen took the salute as the guardsmen marched past.卫兵队列经过时,女王接受了他们的敬礼。20,000 demonstrators sang "We shall overcome" as they marched through Washington.两万名示威者高唱着“我们会胜利”在华盛顿街头游行。Craig marched up to the door and rang the bell.克雷格走到门口,按响了门铃。So saying, she marched boldly out of the house.说完这些话,她勇敢地走出了屋子。She marched straight to her own chamber.她径直朝自己的房间走去。We marched for/against new elections.我们游行示威支持/反对新的选举。I crouched behind a bush as the soldiers marched by.那队士兵走过时,我蹲伏在一片灌木丛后面。They marched the prisoners through the streets of the city.他们押着囚犯穿过城市街道。They marched in parade formation.他们以列队的阵式行进。The army marched south to cut off the enemy's retreat.军队向南推进以切断敌人的退路。The crowd marched down the road shouting slogans.人群高呼着口号一路游行前进。The soldiers marched on in the sweltering heat.士兵们在热气逼人的高温下继续行军。Throughout history, centralisation, civilisation and progress have marched together.在整个历史中,中央集权、文明与发展一直并驾齐驱。Both men were marched out of the restaurant.两人都被带出饭店。They marched triumphantly into the capital.他们以胜者姿态开进首都。They marched on the city at dawn.他们在黎明时分向那座城市进军。David angrily turned on his heel and marched towards the door.戴维生气地转过身去,大步向门口走去。He marched into my office without so much as a by your leave.他未经同意就大模大样地走进我的办公室。




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