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词汇 挺直
例句 The upper back and neck are held in an erect position.上背和颈部要挺直Try to hold your back straight.尽量使背部保持挺直Despite the criticism, he has continued to stand tall.尽管受到批评,他还是挺直腰杆。Age had bowed his once straight back.他年事已高,过去挺直的腰板弯了。Always lift with a straight back.每次举起的时候都要把背挺直Make sure you keep your back straight.你一定要把背挺直He straightened himself from a slouch.他一改刚才的无精打采,挺直了腰杆。When his daughter's name was announced as the winner, he puffed up with pride.当宣布他的女儿获胜时,他自豪地挺直了身板。We can stand tall and take pride in what we've accomplished.我们可以挺直腰杆,为我们已取得的成就而自豪。The curtains will straighten after a few days.窗帘过几天就会挺直的。He held erect the broad and strong expanse of his back.他把自己宽阔而强壮的背部挺直Straighten both legs until they are fully extended.挺直双腿直至完全伸展开。His back is straightening, his chin firming: the need to survive is toughening him up.他的背开始挺直了,下巴绷紧了:求生的欲望使他变得更加坚强。Straighten your back - try not to slouch.挺直后背——别没精打采的。Heavy weights should be lifted with a straight back.提重物时背要挺直Keep your back straight.把背挺直Keep your trunk erect throughout the exercise.在整个练习过程中都要挺直身躯。His back stiffened as he saw the photographers waiting.看到摄影师等着,他挺直了身板。She hulked up to full height.挺直了高大的身子。Keeping your back straight, swing one leg backwards.挺直腰背,一条腿向后摆动。Don't arch your back, keep your spine straight.别佝着背,把腰挺直The officers in the old photo are lined up stiff, straight, and unsmiling.老照片中的军官们姿态僵硬、挺直、不带笑容地排成一行。Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook a fist at us and spat.拉里气愤地挺直了后背,上半身前倾至座位边缘,边朝我们挥舞拳头边吐口水。Keep your head up and your back straight.抬头,把背挺直Alan straightened in his chair.艾伦挺直了背坐在椅子上。He moved into an upright position.挺直了腰背。His friend is a tall, slim girl with a straight nose.他的朋友是位鼻子挺直,身材高而苗条的姑娘。




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