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词汇 many years
例句 There has been a strong anti-nuclear movement in Japan for many years.影响广泛的反核运动在日本持续了多年。Linda has been a good friend to my mother for many years.琳达是我母亲多年的好友。They remained devoted friends for many years.他们多年来都是忠心的朋友。This view prevailed in medical writing for many years.这种观点在医疗文献中流行多年。After many years of residence in Paris, he returned home.他在巴黎居住多年后返回了家乡。They have lived side by side for many years without conflict.他们已经共同生活多年,一直相安无事。For many years he lived an evil life, pandering to men's sexual desires.多年来,他过着一种罪恶的生活,为男人们找姘头以满足他们的淫欲。Metal tools replaced their stone counterparts many, many years ago.很久很久以前,铁制工具就取代了石制工具。He was working in Chicago for many years, but he is currently located in New York.他曾在芝加哥工作多年,但目前住在纽约。For many years Dr Thornton lectured in Economics at University College.很多年来,桑顿博士在大学学院里教经济学。Short skirts were out of fashion for many years, but now they're making/staging a comeback.短裙过时多年,但现在又再度流行起来。They've enjoyed many years of marital bliss. 多年来他们婚姻美满。The nag has been with John for so many years that it is hard for him to part from it.这匹老马跟随约翰这么多年了,约翰很难与它分离。The smoker has been labouring under lung disease for many years.吸烟者多年来一直为肺病所苦。He has been a valued client of our bank for many years.他多年来一直是我们银行的重要客户。Most death row inmates avoid execution for many years by filing several appeals.大多数死囚可以通过反复上诉延缓行刑长达数年。The country suffered for many years under his dictatorship.这个国家在他的独裁统治下遭受了多年的痛苦。He passed by the name of John many years.多年来他一直使用约翰这个名字。In Jamaica black and white people have lived together in racial harmony for many years.在牙买加,黑人和白人多年来一直和谐共处。Many many years ago, glaciers imprisoned much of our planet's water.许许多多年以前,冰川把我们这个星球的大部分水源给堵塞了。These cars are a good investment. They keep their value for many years.这些汽车是个很好的投资,可以保值许多年。The word fell into disuse many years ago.这个词多年之前就不用了。She lived alone for many years.她独自生活了很多年。He killed himself after suffering from depression for many years.他患抑郁症多年后自杀了。It will take many years to modernize these antiquated industries.这些老工业实现现代化将需要很多年的时间。He returned to his homeland for the first time in many years.多年来,他第一次回到了自己的祖国。He has trafficked in drugs for many years.他贩卖毒品多年。The information surfaced many years later.这个信息在许多年后被披露出来。It was a wonderful occasion which we will cherish for many years to come.那是一个美好的时刻,再过许多年我们也将好好珍惜。After many years, his plans have come to fulfillment.很多年之后,他的计划实现了。The thought of retiring and moving out into the country has been in the back of her mind for many years, and now she's finally doing it.多年来,退休并移居乡下的想法一直藏在她的心里,如今她终于付诸实施了。He has been deceiving her for many years, but she has still not tumbled to it.他已经欺骗她多年了,但对此她仍然没有知觉。The company has been logging in this area for many years.这家公司已在该地区伐木多年。Mother has been ailing for many years, and one should have realized.母亲已患病多年,我本该认清这点。After so many years, he was clinging to the hope that she would return.那么多年后,他还抱着她会回来的希望。The territory had been controlled by Azerbaijan for many years.那片土地已被阿塞拜疆控制多年。He has instructed in the public schools for many years.他在公立学校已任教多年。She decided to call it quits after many years in office.干了多年办公室工作之后,她决定就此离开。After many years of intense study, he received his medical degree.经过多年的刻苦学习,他获得了医学学位。After so many years in prison, Victor was not equipped for life on the outside.在狱中待了许多年,维克托无法适应外面的生活了。




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