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词汇 athletes
例句 The campaign featured athletes talking about healthy lifestyles.该宣传活动以运动员谈论健康生活方式为主要内容。The athletes will represent China in this year's Olympic Games.这些运动员将在今年的奥运会上代表中国队。Young athletes will get a chance to parade their skills.年轻运动员会得到一展身手的机会。Those athletes are a breed apart. 那些运动员与众不同。Top athletes enjoy rich rewards.顶级运动员享有丰厚的酬金。He welcomed the chance to compete against professional athletes.他很乐意有机会与职业运动员同台竞技。He marvelled at the single-mindedness of the athletes as they trained.运动员训练时的专注让他赞叹不已。Some of the world's greatest athletes will be competing in the Olympic Games.世界上一些最杰出的运动员将参加奥运会的比赛。Two of the athletes tested positive for illegal drugs.两名运动员违禁药物检测结果呈阳性。Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular.像大多数运动员那样,她精瘦而强壮。Our field athletes have performed well.我们的田赛运动员表现出色。There is this stigma that disabled athletes are not athletes.有人诋毁残疾运动员不是真正的运动员。Fatima was one of Britain's top track and field athletes.法蒂玛是英国顶尖的田径运动员之一。His two daughters are both accomplished athletes.他的两个女儿都是非常出色的运动员。Three athletes were disqualified from the championships after failing drugs tests.三名运动员因未通过药检被取消了锦标赛的参赛资格。We expect top athletes to be moral paragons.我们期望一流的运动员都是道德高尚的模范。Many athletes withdraw from the world in their single-minded pursuit of their sport.许多运动员与世隔绝,专心一致地投身于自己的体育项目中去。She's not as young as some of the other athletes, but experience helps, and she has that going for her. 她不像其他运动员那么年轻,但是她有经验,这是她的优势。Many retired athletes are able to make a lot of money by doing product endorsements.很多退役运动员都能通过当产品代言人挣到很多钱。The cheering went on for ages as the victorious athletes ran around the track.获胜的运动员围绕跑道奔跑时,欢呼声经久不息。One of our greatest athletes has taken up a new challenge.我们其中有一名最优秀的运动员已经接受了新的挑战。The sky is the limit to what professional athletes can earn.职业运动员可以赚得无限多。I am all in favour of funding our elite athletes.我完全赞同为我们的杰出运动员提供资助。The case has drawn attention to the fact that many athletes never graduate.这个案例使人们注意到这样的事实:许多运动员都没有完成学业。All athletes will be screened for performance-enhancing drugs prior to the events.所有运动员在比赛前都要接受兴奋剂检测。All the athletes had to provide a urine sample.所有运动员都必须要提供尿样。When you get involved in sports and athletes, a lot of the racial barriers are broken down.当你参与到体育运动中的时候,很多种族隔阂就消失了。She was one of America's leading athletes.她是美国最杰出的运动员之一。Few athletes can compete at international level.能参与国际水平比赛的运动员为数不多。A lot of athletes use music to psych themselves up for a game.许多运动员听音乐来为比赛作好思想准备。The athletes are acclimatizing to the heat.运动员们正在适应高温天气。Some athletes are prepared to risk their health to win a medal.有些运动员已做好准备用健康去换取奖牌。It's ironic that professional athletes are often such unhealthy people.讽刺的是,职业运动员往往是很不健康的人。Many top athletes are perfectionists who drive themselves to excel.许多顶尖运动员都是力争上游的完美主义者。These athletes push their bodies to the max.这些运动员的体能已消耗到了极限。It was discovered that three of our Olympic athletes had taken drugs.我们有三名奥运会运动员被发现使用违禁药品。As the athletes were approaching the starting line, an announcer told the crowd that Pyleva had dropped out.运动员们走向起跑线的时候,一个解说员告诉观众说佩列娃退赛了。It's hypocritical of these universities to call their football players student-athletes.这些大学称自己的美式足球队员是学生运动员,真虚伪。College football coaches spend a lot of time recruiting high school athletes.大学橄榄球教练花大量时间选拔高中生球员。Endurance athletes usually peak later in life.耐力型运动员的巅峰时期往往来得比较晚。




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