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词汇 manner
例句 Services were held in a manner no Puritan could have tolerated.礼拜仪式是以任何清教徒都不能接受的方式举行的。Things had been done in the same manner for centuries.几百年来事情都是这么做的。This church was built in the manner of the English Gothic style.这座教堂是模仿英国哥特式风格建造的。He has a nice straightforward manner.他为人坦率,招人喜欢。He passed his hands in front of my eyes in the manner of a hypnotist.他像催眠师那样把双手在我眼前晃过。He has all manner of model planes.他有各式各样的模型飞机。His manner can be rather gruff.他的态度有时候很生硬。This issue has not been resolved yet by any manner of means.这个问题目前一点也没得到解决。Behind her quiet shy manner there is a passionate spirit.在她文静腼腆的举止后面却隐藏着激情。He shows a confident manner, but he may just be whistling in the dark.他表现出自信的样子,其实可能只是在给自己壮胆。Beneath his affable manner lies a very tough businessman.在他随和的举止后面隐藏的是一个非常厉害的生意人。She had a faintly menacing manner.她的举止隐约带些威胁。She impressed everyone with her businesslike manner.她那种务实的态度给大家留下了深刻的印象。His manner is supercilious and arrogant.他非常傲慢自大。She behaves in an odd manner.她表现得很古怪。His manner is more confident these days.如今他的态度更自信了。Her good looks and confident, elegant manner made her the centre of attention.她的美貌、自信和优雅使她成了人们注意的焦点。Hannah's natural manner reassured him.汉娜轻松自然的举止打消了他的疑虑。What manner of place is this?这到底是个什么地方?His manner was very self-assured.他的态度非常自信。His affected manner annoyed her.他做作的举止让她很恼火。Her manner suddenly changed from friendliness and warmth to one of faint menace.她友好热情的态度突然变得略带威胁。You could see the burning hatred behind Graham's calm manner.看得出来,在平静的表面下,格雷厄姆的内心其实燃烧着仇恨。Her manner jarred.她的举止让人不快。I didn't like her coy manner.我不喜欢她那扭捏的姿态。The salesman's aggressive manner put us off.店员咄咄逼人的样子使我们很反感。It's time to set people straight about why he was fired - he didn't act in a professional manner.他为什么会被开除,现在是时候向大家澄清一下误解了一他表现得不专业。He spoke in a solemn and thoughtful manner.他讲话严肃并且面面俱到。She blames me, and in a manner, she's right.她责备我,从某方面来说,她是对的。Young people should address their elders in a seemly manner.年轻人对长辈说话应合乎礼仪。He was seen acting in a highly suspicious manner.有人发现他的行为举止非常可疑。She accused the teacher of not acting in a professional manner.她指责老师的行为不合乎职业规范。He always begins his stories in the same manner.他总是以老一套作为故事的开场白。Her direct and forceful manner is considered an asset in political circles.她那种直率、强有力的作风在政界被视为一种优点。Hannah's natural manner reassured her, and she relaxed.汉娜轻松自然的举止消除了她的疑虑,于是她放松了下来。He was a gentleman to the manner born.他是位天生的绅士。All manner of foodstuffs lay scattered on the kitchen table.厨房的桌子上散放着各式各样的食品。His manner is polite but authoritative.他的态度是礼貌的,但却是命令式的。She hated his lofty manner.她厌恶他的傲慢举止。She's his partner, in a manner of speaking.在某种意义上,她是他的伙伴。




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