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词汇 mankind
例句 Most of mankind close their eyes to this possibility.人类的大多数不理会这种可能性。 Exploring outer space is a challenge to mankind.探索外层空间是一项向人类发出的挑战。I want to work for the good of mankind.我要为全人类的利益而工作。His research is for the betterment of mankind.他的研究是为全人类造福。The dog's experiences left him with a deep distrust for mankind.这条狗的经历使它对人类产生一种深深的不信任。Science is a servant of mankind.科学是为人类服务的。They held quite different estimates of mankind.他们对人类有迥然不同的看法。It is one of the most poisonous substances known to mankind.这是人类已知的毒性最强的物质之一。He smiled calmly at the idiocies of mankind.对于人类的愚蠢他平静地一笑置之。Your treacherous actions to the cause of peace will bring down on you the maledictions of mankind.你对和平事业的背叛行径将使你受到全人类的诅咒。He turned his skills to the service of mankind.他用他的技术为人类服务。Morning sunlight smote for the first time mankind's very first spacecraft.早晨的阳光第一次照临人类有史以来的第一艘宇宙飞船。I believe that war is one of the major evils facing mankind.我认为战争是人类面临的主要罪恶之一。He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.他把一生都献给了造福人类的事业。According to the Bible, the whole of mankind is descended from Adam.据《圣经》记载,全人类都是亚当的后代。Hope is one of mankind's most enduring and rewarding attributes.抱有希望是人类最悠久、最有益的品质之一。Up to this point in time, mankind has not been able to develop a vaccine for EBOLA.到目前为止,人类还没有发明遏制伊波拉的疫苗。The Americans exploded the first nuclear weapon in the history of mankind.美国人引爆了人类历史上第一件核武器。Travelling into space was a great advance for mankind.太空航行对人类来说是一大进步。Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.对男人女人都不得撒谎;撒谎是令人厌恶之事。Many animals have a sharper sense of sight or of hearing than mankind.许多动物比人类有更敏锐的视觉或听觉。She felt most severely the miseries of mankind.她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind.书是伟大的天才留给人类的精神财富。This kind of high tech is more of a bane than a boon for mankind.这种高技术对于人类与其说造福不如说酿灾。He thought that some day his invention would be of use to all mankind.他认为总有一天他的发明会对全人类有用。We have seen the same pattern throughout the history of mankind.我们在人类的历史长河中目睹过相同的模式。It exerts a civilizing influence on mankind.这产生了教化人类的影响。The results of the research were made freely available for the benefit of all mankind.研究的结果已为全人类自由地共享。The ancient Taoists recognized this primal urge of mankind.古代道家认识到了人类这种最基本的渴望。Christians believe Jesus was sent by God to redeem mankind.基督徒们相信耶稣是上帝派来救赎人类的。He is very fond of writing apocalyptic stories, predicting the imminent predicament of mankind.他很喜欢写天启式的故事,预言人类的灾难。It is doubtful whether this research is of any benefit to mankind.这项研究是否对人类有益值得怀疑。Sending an expedition to explore Mars was considered a quantum leap in mankind's aerospace technology.人类到火星探险被认为是太空科技的一个大跃进。Language is peculiar to mankind.语言是人类特有的。Famine and war still afflict mankind.饥荒与战争依旧给人类带来痛苦。Since earliest times, mankind has been fascinated by fire.人类自远古以来就对火很感兴趣。Has mankind improved down the centuries?人类几百年来有进步吗? Before the digital revolution, mankind relied upon analog signals to communicate with one another.在数位革命之前,人类的通讯多半是靠类比的讯号。The threat of war overhung mankind then.当时战争威胁著人类。The prophet taught that the only way to honour God was to serve mankind.先知教导人们,膜拜上帝的唯一方式就是为人类服务。




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