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The deceits that were part and parcel of the job had rotted the very fabric of his marriage.做这份工作不得不说的谎言已经彻底毁了他的婚姻。The unrefrigerated food rotted.未放进冰箱的食品腐烂了。Being paper money, it rotted away mighty fast.由于是纸币,所以烂得很快。The crotch of his drawers rotted out.他的内裤裤裆破了。The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed.谷物完全烂掉了,他们能将其派上的唯一用场就是作动物饲料。The wood had rotted away.木头已经腐烂了。The roof had fallen in and the floor had completely rotted away.屋顶已坍塌,地板已完全腐烂了。The middle of the floor had rotted out, and was unsafe.地板中部已破损,很不安全。The hospital is so rotted that it's beyond repair.这所医院已破败得无法修缮了。The rain has rotted the roof beams.雨水烂蚀了顶梁。Part of the roof had rotted away and the exposed plaster was beginning to crumble.屋顶的一部分已经朽烂,暴露的灰浆开始脱落。The window frames had completely rotted away.窗框已经完全腐烂了。I have this recurring dream in which my teeth are black and rotted.我反复做这个梦,梦见我的牙齿黑黑的,都蛀掉了。She gradually rotted away until she was as thin and dry as the boughs.她逐渐瘦弱下去,直到瘦得像枯干的树枝。The pillars rotted away and were replaced.柱子完全腐烂以后换了新的。Over the years, much of the wood in the house had rotted.过了这么多年,房子的木头很大一部分都腐朽了。The old dog's teeth have all rotted away.这条老狗的牙齿全烂掉了。 |