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词汇 management
例句 Their troubles revolve around money management.他们的麻烦围绕在金钱处理上。He got the job more by luck than management.他得到这个工作与其说他手段高明,还不如说他运气好。The company initiated a management training programme for small businesses.该公司发起了一项针对小企业经营管理的培训计划。The impetus for change in the industry was provided by a new management team.新的管理层队伍推动了企业改革。He sits on the company's management board.他是公司的管理委员会委员。Under the new management, the business is working much more efficiently.在新管理层的领导下,企业效率大大提高。The management is understood to be very unwilling to agree to this request.据悉,管理方很不情愿批准这个请求。The report homed in on the weaknesses in the management structure.这篇报告重点论述了该管理体系的弱点。A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and management.妥协也许能打破劳资双方所处的僵局。She is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company.她负责公司的日常管理。The new management decided to retrain the entire workforce.新管理层决定对全体员工进行重新培训。Good management in the police cannot be divorced from accountability.对警察队伍的良好管理和应负的责任是分不开的。His authority and, by implication, that of his management team is under threat.他的权威,同时也意味着他整个管理团队的权威,正面临着威胁。The club has the support of an energetic and enthusiastic management committee.俱乐部有一个积极热心的管理委员会作支柱。The library profession is merging new techniques with old to produce an unbeatable combination of management skills.图书馆专业把新式的与传统的技术相结合,形成了一种无与伦比的管理技巧。The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority.管理部门似乎并不认为应优先考虑办公室安全问题。If Glover lacks experience of management, why was he put in charge?格洛弗缺乏管理经验,那为什么叫他来主管?Don't just latch on to the latest management fads.不要只顾着追赶最新的管理时尚。Increasing the number of women in top management jobs will be a slow process.增加高管职位妇女的人数将是一个缓慢的过程。The statement argues a change of attitude by the management.这则声明表明管理层态度的转变。The management tries to produce the magazine as cost-effectively as possible.管理层试图尽可能地让杂志盈利。Yesterday management and unions agreed a pay deal.昨天资方和工会就工资问题达成了协议。Senior management seem to be completely out of touch with their staff's needs.高级管理层似乎完全不了解员工的需求。The management plan has four main components.该管理方案包含四个主要部分。The management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone who is improperly dressed.管理层保留拒绝衣冠不整者进入公司的权利。They employ the latest techniques in farm management.他们采用最新的技术管理农场。If management doesn't make the changes, the workers will go on strike.如果管理层不做出改变,工人们将举行罢工。He acted as the middleman in the talks between labor and management.他在劳资双方的谈判中充当中间人。She was looking for a management position in industry.她想在制造业寻找一份管理工作。Offers of financial aid were conditional upon the company changing its management structure.提供经济援助的条件是公司改革管理结构。The failure of the company was due to bad management.公司倒闭是因为管理不善。The management has adopted a more pliant position, and has agreed to listen to the staff's requests.管理层采取了更灵活的立场,同意听取员工的要求。If the management wouldn't listen to their demands, they would have to force the issue by striking.如果管理层不理会他们的要求,他们就不得不通过罢工来迫使问题得到解决。This has brought about a radical revision in the style of school management.这导致了学校在管理方式上的重大变化。Val has finished college and is looking for a job in management.瓦尔已经大学毕业,正在找一份管理工作。Some players go into management once their playing days are over.一些运动员在结束运动生涯后从事管理工作。The management wanted to know what I was doing there.管理层想知道我在那里做什么。The business was faltering due to poor management.由于管理不善,这家企业业绩开始下滑。Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.倾听顾客意见现在已成了公共事业机构每一届新管理层都会奉行的准则之一。The management of some our prisons has sometimes been corrupt, and it is our job to clean it up.我们一些监狱的管理层有时候会有贪污现象,对其进行整治则正是我们的工作。




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