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词汇 股价
例句 Share prices suffered a slight fall yesterday.昨天股价略有下跌。This served as a powerful depressant on share prices.这是抑制股价的强有力措施。Several start-up Net companies saw their share prices rocket in the first few years, only to see them plunge as the recession hit.一些新兴的网络公司在头几年里股价飙升,可是经济一衰退,股价就狂泻不止。It is dangerous to assume that share prices will continue to rise.假设股价将持续上升是很危险的。The dramatic fall in share prices caught even the experts on the hop.股价的大幅下跌让专家都感到措手不及。The company's stock continues to decline/decrease/drop in value.公司的股价持续下降/减少/降低。Because of the drop in stock prices, investors were able to find some bargains this week.由于股价下滑,本周投资者能买到便宜货。The calculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price.这些计算没有考虑到股价的波动。More than a billion pounds have been wiped off share prices. 股价下挫了十亿多英镑。The changes in share values have damaged investor confidence.股价的变动削弱了投资者的信心。Share prices have held steady over the last few days.股价过去几天一直保持稳定。Stock prices climbed close to the peak they'd registered before the stock market crashed.股价几乎攀升到了股市崩盘前的历史最高位。Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.东京股票交易所的股价小幅下跌。Stock prices are beginning to soar.股价开始飞涨。It still can be argued that Japanese shares are overvalued in terms of the return they offer.从其提供的收益上看,仍然可以认为日本股价被高估了。Share prices on the New York Stock Exchange often fluctuate wildly.纽约证交所里的股价经常暴涨暴跌。To ramp up a share price during a takeover bid is unacceptable.在别人出价收购期间抬高股价是不可取的。Shares in retail businesses were marked up on the news that consumer spending rose last month.上个月消费支出增加的消息带动了零售业股价的上升。The scheme promises to give you back your initial investment, plus a return linked to the share prices.这个方案保证返还初始投资,外加一份与股价挂钩的收益回报。Stock prices rose/fell steeply today.今天的股价大涨/大跌。The expected increase in interest rates has already had an effect on stock prices.预计中的利率增加已经对股价产生了影响。Are we witnessing a genuine recovery in the share price, or is it just a dead cat bounce?我们看到的是股价的真正止跌反弹,还是只是短时反弹?Share prices increased amid speculation that the Bank of England would cut interest rates.在对英格兰银行会降低利率的一片猜测声中,股价上扬了。Despite earlier dire predictions, shares remained steady.尽管早先有一些不祥的预言,股价依旧稳定。There has been a free fall in stock prices. 股价快速走低。Stock prices have gone into free fall. 股价已经跳水大跌。Shares in the electricity companies were marked down following the announcement of the new energy tax.电力公司的股价在新的能源税颁布后随即纷纷下跌。The stock price is falling like a free fall.股价像自由落体一样下跌。Share prices have soared to a new all-time high in a day of frantic trading on the stock market.股票市场经过一天的紧张交易后,股价飙升至历史新高。They cooked the books to drive up the company's stock prices.他们做假账抬高公司股价Almost all leading shares had double-figure gains.几乎所有主要股票的股价都有两位数的涨幅。Stock prices have continued to come down this week. = Stocks have continued to come down in price this week.本周股价持续下跌。Over the last week, we have witnessed a surprising uptick of our stock price.过去一个星期,我们发现我们的股价有令人惊奇的回升。The fall in demand caused share prices to plunge.需求下降导致股价大幅下跌。After weeks of losing value, the company's stocks have hit bottom. 公司股价连续几周下跌后,达到谷底。The news sent stock prices generally on a downhill slide.这则消息使股价普遍下跌。High interest rates may depress share prices.高利率会使股价下滑。The morning's gains in US stocks fell sharply.美国股价今早上升后急速下跌。Oil prices eased amid milder weather in the US northeast.由于美国东北部气候较往年温和,石油股价有所下跌。There has been a fractional rise in the price of the stock.股价微微上涨。




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