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词汇 Management
例句 Management is under pressure to set an example on pay restraint.资方受到压力,被要求为限薪作出表率。There was an especially high uptake in the Business Management course.特别多的人学企业管理课程。Management, like politics, is the art of the possible.经营管理跟搞政治一样,没有不可能的事。Management referred the labour dispute to the arbitration board.资方将劳资争议提交仲裁委员会处理。Management and unions have struck a bargain over wage increases.资方和工会就加薪问题达成了协议。Management initially put forward a number of proposals which were wholly unacceptable to the union.资方最初提出了几项工会根本无法接受的建议。Management need to explore ways of improving office security.管理层需要探讨如何加强办事处的安全保障。Management has been playing down the possibility of job losses.管理层一直在淡化职位减少的可能性。Management and workers must act in unison to compete with foreign business.管理层和员工必须行动一致,与外国企业竞争。Management has to make sure it does not overpay its staff.管理层必须确保没有向员工支付过高工资。He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。Management and labour are attempting to reconcile their differences.劳资双方都在试图调解他们的分歧。Management consultants were brought in from outside the company.从公司外面请来了管理顾问。Management is thinking of ways to rationalize our system of production.管理部门在考虑如何对我们的生产体系进行合理化改革。Management is uneasy about promoting women to higher jobs.管理层不愿提拔女性担任更高的职务。Management wheeled in the experts to study the matter further.管理层聘请了一批专家进一步研究此事。Management tried to soften the impact of the layoffs by offering early retirement packages. = They tried to soften the blow by offering early retirement packages.管理层试图通过提出提前退休一揽子计划来减少裁员的影响。She belongs to the Chartered Institute of Management.她属于英国特许管理协会。Management seems to be saying, in effect, that if we don't like the offer, we can all quit.资方实际上好像是在说,我们要是不接受这个条件就可以全部走人。Management systems can be built that increase operational flexibility.可以建立起能提高操作弹性的管理体制。Management is all about politics with a small "p".管理尽管不完全是玩政治,但确实是一种权术。Management lowballed him in contract negotiations.在合同谈判期间,管理层向他虚报低价。Management and labour are dickering over pay, benefits, and working conditions.劳资双方正就薪水、福利和工作条件进行协商。Management is looking at ways of cutting costs.管理层正在考虑削减成本的办法。Management styles differ.管理风格各有不同。Management has threatened to lock out the workforce if they do not accept the proposed changes in working methods.管理层威胁说,如果工人不接受改变工作方法的提议就不让他们上班。Management is confident about the way business is progressing.管理层对业务发展的态势充满信心。Management declined to say whether the workers were laid off or fired.管理层谢绝说明工人是下岗还是被辞退。Mr Malik has successfully completed the advanced course in Business Management.马利克先生已经顺利完成商业管理高级课程。Management is moving in a new direction.管理正朝一个新的方向发展。Management and the unions have reached a stalemate in their negotiations.资方和工会在谈判中陷入了僵局。Management policy seemed to be to play one department off against another.管理层的政策似乎在有意激起各部门之间的竞争。Management insisted that she was not being victimized.管理层坚称她没有受到迫害。Management is seeking ways to better meet the challenge of future growth.管理层正在寻求各种方法,以更好地应对未来发展的挑战。Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte's extraordinary working life.正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。Management and labor are dickering over pay, benefits and working conditions.劳资双方在薪水、福利和工作条件的问题上争执不下。That's John Gibb, operations chief for New York Emergency Management.那个人是约翰·吉布,纽约应急管理办公室的行动总指挥官。Management and unions have agreed a new deal on pay and productivity.管理层和工会已就报酬和生产效率达成新的协议。Management holds all the cards when it comes to the negotiations over job cuts.当开始协商裁员问题时,管理层就处于绝对的优势。Management has been playing with the idea of moving to a different building.管理层对考虑迁往另一栋楼这事一直不太上心。




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