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词汇 maltreated
例句 He said that he was not tortured or maltreated during his detention.他说在拘留期间没有受到拷问和虐待。He maltreated his wife.他虐待他的妻子。The animals were seriously maltreated.动物被严重地虐待。He claims that he was maltreated by the prison guards.他声称自己受到了监狱看守的虐待。We'll not intervene unless the children are being physically maltreated.除非孩子们受到身体上的虐待,否则我们不会干预。The animals were seriously maltreated.这些动物遭到残酷的虐待。The hostages said they were hungry but had not been maltreated.人质说他们捱饿了,但没有受到虐待。He had been badly maltreated as a child.他小时候曾被严重虐待。Only when the animals were seriously maltreated was any inspection or prosecution called for.只有在动物遭到严重虐待时才有必要进行调查或起诉。




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