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词汇 Malcolm
例句 When she returned, she found Malcolm had rearranged all her furniture.她回家时,发现马尔科姆把她所有的家具都重新摆放了。Malcolm worked up the nerve to ask Grandma Rose for some help.马尔科姆鼓起勇气请罗丝奶奶帮点忙。Malcolm Hebden gives a masterly performance.马尔科姆·赫布登上演了一场精湛的表演。Malcolm continued to fight it out with Julien from his self-imposed exile in Paris.马尔科姆自我放逐到了巴黎,但他继续要和朱利恩斗到底。Malcolm is a shrewd businessman.马尔科姆是个精明的商人。Dinner was a hilarious meal, much enlivened by Malcolm.晚餐吃得很热闹,主要是马尔科姆活跃了气氛。By pure chance, I met Sir Malcolm that morning.纯属偶然,那天早上我碰到了马尔科姆爵士。Malcolm wanted out of his job.马尔科姆想辞掉他的工作。Malcolm introduced me to the joys of wine-tasting.马尔科姆让我初次尝到品酒的乐趣。Malcolm decided to delay his return to York.马尔科姆决定推迟他返回约克的时间。He has even had the temerity to invoke the names of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X in defence of his actions.他竟然敢搬出马丁·路德·金和马尔科姆·艾克斯的名字来为自己的行为辩解。Malcolm likes singing in the bath.马尔科姆喜欢在浴室里唱歌。Malcolm gladly accepted the invitation.马尔科姆高兴地接受了邀请。For Malcolm work could always be boiled down to one idea: being good in business.对于马尔科姆来说,工作归根结底就是要取得好的业绩。Malcolm was continually changing his mind.马尔科姆不断地改主意。For some reason, Malcolm had a down on the whole teaching profession.出于某种原因,马尔科姆看不起整个教书行业。Malcolm's contract will run in tandem with his existing one.马尔科姆的合同将与他手头的合同同时生效。Malcolm looked at her as if she were a raving lunatic.马尔科姆看着她好像在看一个精神错乱的疯子。For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums.几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。On further inquiry, it emerged that Malcolm had not been involved in the incident.进一步的调查,表明马尔科姆没有参与该事件。Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings.马尔科姆认为他在为其私底下两面派的行为而心生愧疚。Malcolm's always been tidy, even as a kid.马尔科姆向来就爱整洁,小时候已是这样。The feeling she had for Malcolm had crept up on her and taken her by surprise.她慢慢地对马尔科姆产生了感情,这使她自己也感到吃惊。Malcolm works in isolation but I have no doubts about his abilities.马尔科姆单打独干,但我对他的能力丝毫不怀疑。I think Tessa should plump for Malcolm, her long-suffering admirer.我想特莎应该选择长期默默爱慕她的马尔科姆。Lieutenant Malcolm said she saw no sign that the exodus from Haiti was abating.马尔科姆上尉说,她看不到海地人口大批外流有减少的迹象。Malcolm struck his usual pose: hands in pockets, shoulders hunched.马尔科姆摆出惯常的姿势: 双手插在口袋里,肩膀耸起。Malcolm hopped rather than walked.马尔科姆与其说是用走的不如说是用单脚跳的。Malcolm is a brilliant but frustrated surgeon who is married to a neurotic and sexless woman.马尔科姆是一位才华横溢却又生活失意的外科医生,他妻子有些神经质而且性冷淡。Malcolm was in bad odour with his father over the embarrassing incident.在那件令人尴尬的事情上,马尔科姆的父亲对他很不满。Malcolm's work methods appear amazingly slapdash.马尔科姆的工作方法显得极其粗枝大叶。




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