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词汇 kept up
例句 The gunfire kept up for a long time.炮火持续了很长时间。The reporters kept up a constant barrage of questions.记者们提出一连串的问题。Lila kept up a steady stream of chatter.莉拉一直说个没完。She shook her head and started to walk on. He kept up with her.她摇了摇头开始往前走。他跟了上去。NATO kept up the pressure on the Serbs to get out of Kosovo.北约继续对塞尔维亚人施加压力,敦促他们撤出科索沃。He kept up a steady, one-sided conversation about the joys of sailing.他一个人不紧不慢地讲述着航海的快乐。They were very unhappily married but kept up appearances for the sake of their children.他们的婚姻并不幸福,但为了子女而装作一切正常。He was a good man who kept up the very highest standards throughout his life.他是一个好人,一辈子都坚持最高的道德标准。He kept up a running commentary on my attempt to get the machine going.他对我试图把那辆机器开动不断地发表意见。The enemy kept up the attack all through the night.敌军整晚都在不断进攻。The rain kept up all night.雨下了一整夜。I had kept up a correspondence with him until the war broke out.在战争爆发之前我一直与他保持通信联系。He kept up a correspondence with Tom.他和汤姆保持通信联系。Archie liked to think he kept up with current slang.阿奇喜欢那种紧跟潮流,讲满口时髦新词的感觉。Her spirits have kept up very well despite all her bad luck.虽然遭到种种厄运,但她仍毫不气馁。Michael kept up a brave front.迈克尔一直装出一副勇敢的样子。From the very first days of the reforms, the parliament kept up an incessant drumbeat of protest.从改革的第一天起,议会就不断施压予以抗议。We kept up a correspondence for many months.我们保持了好几个月的书信往来。I'm often kept up by the noise of laughter and music from next door.我经常被隔壁的笑声和音乐声吵得不能入睡。She kept up a running commentary on the festivities.她对庆祝活动进行了连续报道。He kept up a steady monologue during the whole journey.整个旅途中他都在喋喋不休地说话。She kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from one subject to the next.她从一个话题扯到另一个话题,一直喋喋不休。He's been travelling, but he's kept up with what's going on back home.虽然一直在旅行,但他时刻关注着国内发生的事情。He turned off as she kept up her chatter.她喋喋不休时,他没有去听。The two nations kept up an elaborate pretense of warm amity.这两个国家煞费苦心装出热烈友好的假象。The house had been kept up nicely.这座房子维护得很好。Brigid was always sorry she hadn't kept up her piano lessons.布里吉德一直后悔没有坚持上钢琴课。The band leader kept up a running patter between songs.乐队队长在两首曲目之间滔滔不绝地逗乐听众。His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill.他的家人继续假装他生病了。Michael kept up a brave front both to the world and in his home.迈克尔对外界和家人都表现出一副勇敢的样子。She kept up with the fortunes of the Reeves family.她一直关注着里夫斯家族的兴衰。They kept up a very heavy cannonade.他们持续猛烈炮击。She kept up a non-stop flow of baby talk.她一直在喋喋不休地说着儿语。As he ran down the field, the defender kept up with him stride for stride. 当他在场上向前跑时,对方防守队员步步紧逼。Although largely inactive, the Royal Nepal Army has been kept up to strength.尽管大部分军人属预备役,尼泊尔皇家军队仍然实力强大。MPs kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they belonged to.议员们对各自所属的党派保持表面上的忠诚。She still kept up with her classmates after graduation.毕业后她仍然与她的同学保持联系。The crows kept up a steady raucous sound.乌鸦不住发出呱呱的叫声。She has kept up with some of her friends since her retirement.她退休后一直同一些朋友保持著联系。Even in Zurich he kept up with the County cricket scores.即使身在苏黎世,他也一直关注着郡际板球赛的比分。




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