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词汇 Making
例句 Making this decision is a lot harder when you're in a permanent relationship.当你结婚之后,作这个决定就难上加难了。Making the house habitable was a major undertaking.把这所房子收拾得可以住人,那可是项大工程。Making a complaint will not prejudice your right to take legal proceedings.投诉不会影响你采取法律诉讼的权利。Making the album was a real blast.做这个专辑真是一种乐趣。Making an apology was the obvious thing to do.道歉是最明智之举。Making such decisions is not the sole prerogative of managers.作这类决定并不是管理者的专有特权。Making the dish is simplicity itself. 这份菜很容易做。Making the pastry is a breeze if you have a food processor.如果你有食品加工机,做这种点心轻而易举。Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.为了与过去彻底决裂,这对夫妇扔掉了他们全部的旧家具。Making me work late on Friday was the last straw.让我周五加班到很晚终于让我不堪忍受了。Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back.她猛地掉转车头,往回开。Making some simple alterations to your diet will make you feel fitter.对日常饮食做些简单的调整就会让你身体更健康。Making an inarticulate sound, he turned away.他含糊不清地咕哝了一声后转身走了。Making a diagnosis in such cases can be a real guessing game.对这样的病例做出诊断可算是真正的猜谜游戏。Making lists can create order and control.列表能使一切井然有序、便于管理。Making new friends helped her come out of her shell. = Making new friends brought her out of her shell.结交新朋友使她不再羞怯。Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition.轻松赚钱总是件诱人的事。Making an unauthorized copy of the article infringes copyright.未经许可复印这篇文章有违版权。Making a marriage work can take a lot of effort.要让婚姻美满可能需要付出很大努力。Making jewels requires great craft.制作珠宝需要高超的工艺。Making promises is risky for a company, but it usually does result in improved customer relations.对一家公司来说,作出许诺要担风险,但通常的确会改善客户关系。That's what Christmas is all about, isn't it? Making a pig of yourself.这就是圣诞节,是吧?就是大吃大喝。Making contacts can help you get a foot in the door when it comes to getting a job.建立社会关系可能是你得到一份工作的第一步。Making omelettes isn't difficult, but there's a knack to it.做煎蛋饼不难,但有窍门。Making reservations beats waiting in line.预先定座胜过排队等候。Making the most of your hair means getting the cut and shape right.让头发达到最佳效果意味着要修剪得当,并选择合适的发型。Making false statements on a job application will result in a denial of employment.在求职申请表上作假会导致被拒聘。Making the building accessible for disabled people was another major design challenge.如何才能方便残疾人进出大楼,是设计中另一个主要的难题。Making a profit from laying horses to lose is no easier or harder than backing horses to win.通过赌马输赚钱在难度上与通过赌马赢赚钱没什么差别。Making it to the Olympics was a dream come true.成功晋级奥运会已是梦想成真。Making your new business successful requires luck, patience, and application.新公司的成功需要运气、耐心和努力。Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿。Making money is often the only object of commercialism.赚钱往往是经商的唯一目的。Making notes is the best way of keeping your mind on the task at hand.记笔记是集中思想于手头工作的最好方法。Making a profit is the name of the game.盈利是首要目的。Making quick decisions is not one of my greatest gifts.快速决断并不是我的长项。Making coffee for the boss again? You creep!又在给老板冲咖啡?你这个马屁精!Making hit movies is old hat for/to him.制作卖座电影对他来说已经不是新鲜事了。Making the rules is only part of it. How the rules are carried out is the other side of the coin.制定出规定仅仅是事情的一方面,这些规定怎么执行则是另一回事了。Making people feel foolish is emphatically not my strategy.让人出丑显然不是我的策略。




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