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词汇 make a living
例句 He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活。You can always make a living with a skill.掌握一项技术总能谋生。I'm a simple farmer just trying to make a living.我只是个努力维持生计的普通农民。I understand and support their need to make a living.我理解并支持他们维持生计的需要。Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.许多农民的基本生活工资要靠补贴来维持。Only a handful of artists in Britain can make a living from painting.在英国,只有很少几个画家能以画画为生。He makes a living by picking people's pockets.他靠扒窃度日。It's difficult to make a living as a writer.靠写作谋生很困难。Her father peddled, an occupation shared by Lebanese and Jewish immigrants trying hard to make a living in a new land.她的父亲沿街叫卖,这是许多在陌生土地上艰难求生的黎巴嫩和犹太移民所从事的职业。She makes a living out of impersonating Tina Turner in shows and films.她依靠在演出和影片中假扮蒂娜·特纳谋生。If I can't make a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint.如果我不能靠画画谋生,至少我可以教别人画画。She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn't make a living.她认为他是一个有眼光的人,但是她父亲却认为他没有谋生的能力。She makes a living as a writer, busily plying her pen each day.她以写作为生,每日笔耕不辍。It's hard these days to make a living from the soil.如今很难以务农为生。The farmer tugged all his life to make a living.这个农民终生为生活而劳碌。I'm just an ordinary schmo trying to make a living.我只是个想谋份生计的凡夫俗子。He was cast loose at an early age to make a living on his own.他年纪很小的时候就漂泊在外独自谋生。




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