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词汇 纳税
例句 I just can't get my head around these tax forms.我看不懂这些纳税表格。The Government employs tax inspectors to check up and make sure people pay all their tax.政府雇用税务稽查员做检查工作,以确保人们足额纳税I've had a letter from the tax authorities concerning my tax payments.我收到了税务部门寄来的关于我纳税情况的一封信。You should claim the deduction when you file your tax return.你填写纳税申报单时应当要求扣除。Even though I have a master's degree in business administration, I can't fill out my tax form.尽管有工商管理硕士学位,我还是不会填纳税表格。You have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.你必须在明天之前填写好纳税申报表。If I get this job, I'll be moving into a higher tax band.如果我得到了这份工作,我就要进入更高的纳税段。The government charged that he had not paid taxes for five years.政府指责他五年没有纳税The new tax regulations have landed some of the smaller companies in serious trouble.新的纳税规定使一些较小的公司陷入了严重的困境。Under the new regime you will be liable for automatic penalties for late submission of tax returns.在新规定下,迟交纳税申报单必会受到处罚。They say she cheated on her taxes.他们说她在纳税问题上弄虚作假。No one should get off paying his tax.人人都不应该逃避纳税The island does not tax non-resident companies.这个岛不要求非本地公司纳税He says that the tax is a discouragement to doing business in this state.他说在这个州经商纳税是一件让人挠头的事。Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax.高薪的纳税率更高。The authorities conducted an extensive investigation into his tax affairs.当局对他的纳税情况进行了大范围的调查。Most Americans accept taxes as a necessary evil.大多数美国人认为纳税是必须的。We already have files on people's tax details, mortgages and poll tax.我们已经建立了人们纳税详情、抵押贷款以及人头税的档案。He proposes that businesses should pay taxes to the federal government.他提议企业应该向联邦政府纳税At the end of the year we check to see if your tax is right.在岁末我们检查一下你的纳税是否正确。There are some tax advantages in setting up a trust fund for each of your children.为你的每个孩子都设立信托基金可享有一些纳税上的优惠。Families with children in college will receive a tax credit this year. 今年有孩子上大学的家庭纳税时可减免部分应纳税额。You will need all your records if you are selected for audit by the IRS.如果你被国税局选中做审计,你将需要提交你的所有纳税记录。They have to pay out more of their income in rates than the better off.比起较为富裕的人们来,他们反而得把更多的收入用在纳税上。The law requires everyone to pay the tax. = The law requires that everyone pay the tax.法律要求人人纳税No-one enjoys paying tax.没人喜欢纳税You will be taxed on all your income.你的所有收入都要纳税Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.现在夫妻双方分别按各自的收入纳税People who don't want to pay tax will exploit any loophole.不想纳税的人总是千方百计地钻空子。The tax threshold for a pensioner is $6,000.领退休金的人的纳税起点是六千美元。It was objected that the new tax law was unfair.有人反对说新的纳税法不公平。The new tax regulations come into force next week.新的纳税法规下周开始生效。I welcome the proposal to reduce taxes for the poorly paid.我对减少低收入者纳税这一提议表示欢迎。We have files on people's tax details.我们有人们的纳税明细档案。There are tax advantages to working freelance.自由职业者享受纳税优惠。Do you pay less tax if you're self-employed?如果你是自雇人士,纳税会减少吗?Every citizen must pay taxes.每个公民都必须纳税Shareholders would be immediately liable for tax on these huge gains.股东们马上就要为巨额收益纳税The UK's tax system takes no account of children.英国的纳税制度没有把儿童考虑在内。The senator has been in the spotlight recently since the revelation of his tax frauds.自从参议员的纳税欺诈行为曝光后,他就成了公众关注的焦点。




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