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例句 Make sure the camera is level before you take the picture.拍照前要保证相机处于水平位置。Make sure you seal the joints of the pipes with waterproof tape.一定要用防水胶布把管道的接合处封严实。Make sure you behave yourselves when we visit Grandma.看望外婆时你们一定要规规矩矩的。Make a list of all the things you need.把你需要的所有物品列一个清单。Make the necessary arrangements.做一下必要的安排。Make sure the timber is well seasoned.务必把木材好好风干。Make an early start and catch the bus to Hyde Park.早点出发,搭乘到海德公园的公共汽车。Make the drink with boiling water in the same way as tea.像泡茶一样用沸水冲泡这种饮料。Make yourself at home while I go and find those photographs.你自己请随便。Make a tight right turn at the traffic light.到了交通信号灯处往右急转弯。Make any necessary corrections before the text is printed.在文稿付印之前,将需要修改的地方都改好。Make sure you lock your door.务必把门锁好。Make sure the platform is stable.请确保平台稳固。Make sure you bring plenty of warm clothing.一定要带足保暖的衣服。Make two holes with a hole punch.用打孔器打两个孔。Make sure you give the cards a good shuffle before you deal.发牌前一定要好好洗洗牌。Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan.把奶油和高汤一起放在平底锅里熬煮来制作调味料。Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles.有意识地放松肌肉。Make an outline of the scene before you paint.在上颜料之前先给此景画一个素描。Make sure you position the wheel correctly before you tighten up the nuts.拧紧螺帽前一定要正确安装好车轮。Make sure the computers are all off before you go home.回家之前一定要把电脑都关掉。Make a visit to the dentist part of your annual MOT.把看牙医当作年度体检的一部分。Make another fold and turn the ends together.再折一下,把末端对齐。Make sure you avoid getting overtired or missing meals, when at all possible.尽可能避免过度劳累或不按时吃饭。Make sure that all sharp implements have covers.必须确保所有的锋利器具都有护套。Make sure all the components remain correctly oriented.要保证所有的零件都放置正确。I will have Scotch. Make it a double.我喝苏格兰威士忌。来一杯双份的。Make a habit of noting down any telephone messages.要养成记下电话内容的习惯。Make sure that the surface is clean and dry before you start to paint.油漆之前一定先要确保表面清洁干燥。Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways.你决定吧,反正鱼与熊掌不可兼得。Make sure you hold the gun steady and shoot straight.一定要把枪端稳,瞄准打过去。Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully.一定要认真按照操作指南来做。Make sure that the rails are securely bolted in place.务必确保栏杆都固定住了。Make sure you say thank you for your birthday presents.记住收到生日礼物时要说声谢谢。Make sure you shut the gate after you.出去时记得关门。Make sure to shut off the water/gas/electricity before beginning any work.在开始任何工作前,请务必关掉水/煤气/电。Make sure that the arrows on the front of the box are pointing downwards.一定要保持箱子前面的箭头朝下。Make sure you tape up the envelope securely.一定要把信封封好。Make sure the post is square to the floor. 要确保柱子与地面成直角。Make sure the building is completely secure before you leave.离开大楼之前一定要保证它绝对安全。




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