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词汇 mailing
例句 The price of mailing a first-class letter will not be increasing this year.今年一类邮件的邮费不会增加。He made duplicates of the forms before mailing them.他在邮寄这些表格之前复印了几份。The files are bulging with letters, mailing lists, and information on the subject.文件夹内装满了信件、邮寄名单以及与该主题有关的资料。Get the check ready for mailing and take it to the post office.准备好支票,拿到邮局寄出去。A mailing had gone out to every school in the country.给国内的每个学校都寄了邮件。She spent the next hour e-mailing her resume to prospective employers.接着的一小时里,她通过电子邮件发个人简历给有可能成为雇主的公司。She forgot to seal her letter before mailing it.她忘记在寄信前将信封上。When you're on the mailing list, you'll receive advance notice of upcoming events.如果你在我们的邮寄名单上,你会事先收到即将举办活动的预告。People subscribe to Internet mailing lists in order to exchange information about special subjects.人们加入互联网的电子邮件列表是为了进行专题信息的交流。He asked the company to put him on their mailing list so that he could receive their catalog.他让那家公司把他列入邮寄名单,这样他就能收到他们的商品目录了。The charity sent out several mailings to everyone on its mailing list.这个慈善组织给邮寄名单上的每个人都寄了几封邮件。There's been a big screw-up with the mailing list – no one's received the invitations.邮寄名单全乱套了,没人收到邀请函。If anyone wishes to be put on the mailing list they should write to us.如果想加入邮寄名单,请写信告知。I have included you on my mailing list for new EFL software.我已把你列入我要邮寄的新外语教学软件的名单。Before e-mailing us, it might be advisable to click on FAQ first.给我们发电邮之前,建议先点击常见问题。Why not join our free mailing list?为什么不加入我们的免费邮寄名单呢?A very effective mailing of product samples was carried out last year.去年产品样本邮寄效果非常好。His mailing address is different from his home address.他的通信地址和家庭住址不一样。We need an update to the mailing list.我们需要更新邮寄名单。We're on the charity's mailing list.我们在该慈善机构的邮寄名单上。They keep mailing things to me that I don't want.他们老是寄来我不想要的东西。The charity sent out letters to everyone on its mailing list.这个慈善组织给邮寄名单上的每个人都寄了几封信。A catalogue and order form are included with this mailing.随信有目录和订货单。




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