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词汇 magic
例句 The new law is not a magic wand that will solve all our problems.这项新法并不是所有问题都能解决的万能魔法棒。Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic.更为古老的传说称墨林使用巫术堆起了那些巨石。The film fails to recapture the magic of his earlier films.这部电影没有再创他早期电影的神奇魅力。It's the director's job to make the magic happen.导演的职责就是创造奇迹。A hot bath and a good night's sleep worked their usual magic.泡过热水澡后又美美地睡了一夜,一如既往,感觉好极了。I can't wave a magic wand and change what happened.我没有办法挥动魔杖改变已经发生的事。Helen sat on the bed, clapping while her brother did magic tricks.海伦的弟弟正在变戏法,她坐在床上鼓掌。I mentioned his name, and he appeared as if by magic.我提到他的名字,他就魔术般地出现了。There's no such thing as magic.魔法这类东西是不存在的。Our spirits rallied as the bitter-sweet alcohol worked its magic.苦中带甜的酒发挥了奇效,我们的精神随之振奋起来。You can't magic up trust.信任不能凭空变出来。Visitors can experience the magic of age-old traditions and historical sites.参观者可以亲身感受到古老传统和历史古迹的魅力。She had a magic cloak that made her invisible.她有一件魔法斗篷可以让她隐形。His outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle and he was never given high office.他的直言不讳妨碍了他进入特权阶层,他一直没有升到高的位置。The magician waved his magic wand.魔术师挥动他的魔杖。So it's a magic potion?那么,这是个神药?The conjuror used magic to produce a rabbit from his hat.魔术师从帽子里变出一只兔子来。The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch.一眨眼,侍者从厨房里端出了热气腾腾的饭菜。He did a bit of magic at the children's party.他在儿童聚会上变了个小魔术。This medicine will magic the pain away in no time.这种药会立刻止痛。Children are fascinated by the idea of magic.孩子们被关于魔法的想法迷住了。They speak the language of phoney magic and pseudo witchcraft.他们说些装神弄鬼的话。The magic of her voice charmed the audience.她那歌喉的魅力令观众陶醉。No one has a magic formula for keeping youngsters away from crime.还没人能提出一个让年轻人远离犯罪的良方。People found guilty of practising / practicing black magic were hanged.被判施邪恶巫术的人给绞死了。One day she found a magic ring that brought her whatever she wished for.有一天她找到一枚神奇的戒指,能让她想要什么就有什么。Prospero uses his magic to attack them.普洛斯彼罗用法术攻击他们。Television possesses a unique if superficial magic.电视具有一种纵然浅薄但却独特的魔力。There were also moments of pure magic.也有一些时刻非常奇妙。I can't just wave a magic wand and make it all better.我可没本事一挥魔杖就把什么都变好。There is no magic bullet to fix our educational system.改革我们的教育体制没有灵丹妙药。Critics say he has lost his magic touch.评论家说他已经失去了魔力。People can't expect him to wave a magic wand.人民不能指望他创造奇迹。The branch grew into a tree that had magic powers.那根树枝长成了一棵具有魔力的树。Fans agree the musical magic is still there.粉丝们一致认为作品中音乐的魔力仍在。He has amazed audiences around the world with his magic tricks.他的魔术令世界各地的观众惊奇不已。A team of magicians conjure away your cares, performing nightly miracles of illusion and magic.一队魔术师用魔术为你驱除烦恼,每晚表演幻觉与魔术的奇迹。He is going to perform magic at the party.他将在晚会上表演魔术。The fog disappeared like magic.雾不可思议地消失了。Rowling's latest book is full of all the magic and excitement that her young readers have come to expect.罗琳的最新小说里充满了她的年轻读者所期待的魔幻与激情。




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