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词汇 magazine
例句 The price rise caused many readers to desert the magazine.价格上涨导致许多读者放弃了这本杂志。We can get a magazine at the newspaper stand.我们可以在报刊亭买本杂志。Dennis sat on his bed reading a naughty magazine.丹尼斯坐在床上看一本不太正经的杂志。That subject is the special province of this magazine.那个主题是这本杂志涉及的特殊领域。The magazine gives the inside story of life in a rock band.该杂志刊登了有关一支摇滚乐队生活的内幕报道。The newspaper took on the coloration of a magazine.这家报纸带上了杂志的特点。He has submitted a bid to resuscitate the struggling magazine.他已经投标来拯救这个岌岌可危的周刊。Readers of our magazine will be familiar with her column.我们杂志的读者会对她的专栏很熟悉。This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists.这家杂志财力雄厚,能雇得起顶尖的记者。Her work featured in a two-page spread in 'New Woman' magazine.她的成果在《新女性》杂志上有两个版面的报道。He filed war stories for the magazine to eke a living.他靠给杂志撰写战争故事来勉强度日。Students can gain valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.学生们在校广播台或校刊工作能够获得宝贵的经验。The magazine publishes articles about such varied subjects as astronomy, politics, and gardening.这份杂志刊登有关诸如天文学、政治学、园艺等不同题材的文章。I really like the new look of the magazine.我真的喜欢这本杂志的新封面。Thank you for a most entertaining magazine, which I read avidly each month.感谢你们把杂志编得如此有趣,我每个月都如痴如醉地阅读。The magazine caters for every taste, from raunchy to purely chaste.这本杂志迎合了从色情到纯情的不同品味。I'm taking this magazine to read on the plane.这本杂志我准备带到飞机上去读。They didn't actually like the magazine very much, but they bought it or, at the least, borrowed it from each other.他们其实并不怎么喜欢这本杂志,但还是会买,或至少会互相借着看。The magazine has been taken out of circulation. 这本杂志现已停止发行。The magazine has named Bonnie Fuller as deputy editor.该杂志社任命邦尼·富勒为副编辑。Her wedding got a big photo spread in the magazine.该杂志上有她婚礼的大幅跨页照片。The magazine hits the newsstands this week.该期杂志本周在各报刊摊点开售。The magazine, which gives frank advice about sex and romance, is aimed at the teenage market.这本杂志面向青少年市场,对性和恋爱问题作出坦率的忠告。Every week the magazine presents the profile of a well-known sports personality.该杂志每周都刊登一位体育明星的传略。I would like to conclude by saying how much I enjoy your magazine.最后我想说的是,我非常爱看你们的杂志。Can you work up your notes into an article for our magazine?你能把笔记整理成一篇文章给我们杂志吗?A new magazine is coming out next week.新杂志将在下周发行。The magazine anointed her the most popular actress of the year.这份杂志将她评为年度最具人气的女演员。The case was brought by a psychoanalyst who says a journalist misquoted him in a series of magazine articles.这起诉讼案是由一位精神分析学家提起的,他声称一名记者在一系列杂志文章里误引了他的话。She took out a full-page ad in a women's magazine.她在一本女性杂志上刊登了一整版广告。Reclining in a comfortable chair, David idly flipped through a magazine.戴维斜靠在一把舒适的椅子上,懒懒地翻阅着一本杂志。Each issue of the magazine will be airspeeded to you.每期杂志将用航空特快邮寄给你。The magazine conducted a survey.那家杂志做了一次调查。They took the best submissions and compiled them in a single issue of the magazine.他们采用了最好的稿件,把它们汇编成一期杂志单独发行。The magazine is planning to cash in on the hype surrounding the celebrity's wedding by publishing exclusive photos of the ceremony.这家杂志计划独家发布那位名人婚礼庆典的照片并进行炒作,以此赚钱。The first thing I ever had published was an article for the Boy Scout magazine.我刊出的第一篇东西是为《男童子军》杂志写的一篇文章。I hope the fashions pictured in this magazine are not the shape of things to come.我希望这本杂志上刊登的时装不是将来的流行款式。The magazine gave voice to hundreds of oppressed factory workers.这家杂志表达了数百名受压迫的工厂工人的呼声。He was flipping through a magazine in the living room.他在起居室里翻看着杂志。The magazine lay unopened on his knee.他膝上放着没有翻开的杂志。




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