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词汇 企图
例句 They tried to prevent the programme being screened.他们企图阻止播放这一节目。Their final attempt to settle their differences ended in disappointment and separation.他们最后一次企图和解的尝试结果却以失望和分手告终。The mayor tried to hamstring our efforts by cutting the budget.市长企图靠削减预算使我们的努力付诸东流。In the examinations we shall come down hard on any student who attempts to cheat.考试期间,我们将严厉惩罚任何企图作弊的学生。The city government tried to hush things up when the mayor was arrested.当市长被捕时,市政府企图掩盖此事。They tried to slap down political opposition.他们企图压制政治上的反对势力。Gina tried to blackmail him, by threatening to tell his wife about their affair.吉娜企图敲诈他,威胁说要把两人之间的婚外恋告诉他妻子。His enemies tried to railroad him to prison without a fair trial.他的敌人企图不经公正审判就把他下狱。The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.政府竟然企图逮捕反对党领导人。They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.他们被控企图妨碍司法公正。He tried to detour us from the real issues of ethics.企图使我们避而不谈实际存在的伦理问题。He tried to turn the gun on me.企图把枪对准我。He tried to smother her with a pillow.企图用枕头闷死她。They were trying to pry into my past.他们企图打听我的过去。The offender attempted to grease the palm of the judge.罪犯企图贿赂法官。He tried to dodge the question.企图回避这个问题。Greece claimed it had no designs on the area.希腊声称对该地区没有任何企图He's accused of trying to manipulate the price of the stock.他被控企图操纵股票价格。It was a deliberate attempt to prevent the truth from being known.这是企图故意隐瞒真相不让人知道。He was picked up by police as he was trying to leave the country.企图出国时被警察拘捕。He was trying to pass counterfeit money.他正企图使用伪钞。Attempts to stir up nationalistic feeling at such times are bound to be self-defeating.在这种时候企图煽动民族主义情绪肯定会弄巧成拙。Hysterical fans tried to stop Damon's car at the airport.狂热的歌迷企图在机场拦截戴蒙的汽车。They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.他们被控企图妨碍司法公正。They attacked furiously in an effort to score a tying goal.他们猛烈进攻,企图得一分以打成平局。He was accused of putting up a smokescreen to hide poor standards in schools.他被指责放烟幕弹企图掩盖学校教育水平低下的事实。The minister was shouted down as he tried to justify the government's decision.当部长企图为政府的决定辩解时,他的声音被听众的喊叫声压了下去。They are continuing their efforts to evade punishment for their heinous crimes.他们一直在企图躲避其滔天大罪应受的惩罚。He was balked in his attempt.他的企图遭到了挫折。I think that there has been an attempt to camouflage what really happened.我认为有人企图掩盖事情的真相。He tried to kill me with his bare hands.企图赤手空拳杀了我。In the movie "Cape Fear", a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.在电影《恐怖角》里,一个律师家庭受到了一个出狱囚犯企图报复的威胁。Officials have uncovered a conspiracy to discredit the government.官员们曝光了一起企图败坏政府名声的阴谋。They're trying to blacken our name.他们企图败坏我们的名声。Any attempts to lessen his prison sentence will cause public outrage.任何企图给他减刑的行为都将引起公愤。The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment.政府只是在模棱两可地拖延时间,企图掩盖自己的政治窘态。The Congress wants to reverse the reforms and usurp the power of the presidency.议会企图颠覆改革,夺取总统权力。They tried to smear his reputation.他们企图诋毁他的名誉。He cornered her and tried to kiss her.他把她逼到角落里,企图吻她。Brenda even tried to turn my sister against me.布伦达甚至企图挑拨我妹妹来反对我。




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