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She attempted suicide early in their marriage.她在刚结婚时曾企图自杀。Most suicide attempts are really a cry for help.大多数企图自杀的行为实际上是一种迫切需要帮助的表现。Graham slit his wrists in a suicide attempt.格雷厄姆割破双腕,企图自杀。During the hearing it came out that she had tried to commit suicide.在审讯过程中披露了她曾企图自杀。Few people knew that she had once attempted suicide.很少人知道她曾经企图自杀。More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide.抑郁症使他不止一次地企图自杀。He attempted suicide. 他曾企图自杀。There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.有未经证实的报道说他曾企图自杀。I have made two serious attempts on my life.我曾两次真的企图自杀。He slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt.他割腕企图自杀。The article says that Ware tried to commit suicide by combining prescription drugs and alcohol.文章说韦尔把处方药和酒一起服下企图自杀。 |