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词汇 lumps
例句 He likes two lumps of sugar with his coffee.他喜欢在咖啡里加两块糖。Stir the sauce to get rid of any lumps.搅拌一下调料,把里面的疙瘩搅散。Their first album took its lumps from the critics. 他们的第一张专辑遭到评论家尖刻的批评。Wind and rain have eroded the statues into shapeless lumps of stone.这些雕像遭受风雨侵蚀,成了一堆堆不成形的乱石。There are lumps in the custard.蛋奶调味汁里面有硬块。Nine out of ten lumps are not cancerous.肿块十之八九不是恶性的。When you run big public companies that occasionally disappoint investors, you've got to take your lumps.经营大型上市公司偶尔会令投资者失望,这时你就要为此付出代价。According to experts, the company took its lumps but is on the road to profitability.据专家说,该公司吃过苦头,但是现在已经开始盈利了。A few lumps of coal still glowed in the fire.一些煤块仍然在火堆里灼灼发光。There are a lot of lumps in this sauce.这种酱汁里有许多块块。The first step is to visually inspect the ground, looking for rocks and lumps.第一步是对地面进行目测检查,寻找石块和土块。The custard had lumps in it.蛋奶调味汁里有一块块的东西。Wet the powder thoroughly and mix to remove lumps.将这些粉末彻底弄湿,搅拌均匀并剔除结块。Check your breasts for strange lumps.检查一下乳房有无异常肿块。The presentation binds/joins/lumps/ties together several concepts.这个展示把几个概念整合到一起。Throw a few more lumps of coal on the fire.往火里再加几块煤。You don't want lumps in the sauce.谁都不希望调料汁中出现结块。Pass the sauce through a sieve to remove any lumps.用筛子滤去调味汁中的渣子。Stir the sauce to remove any small lumps.把酱汁中的小块搅拌开。John dropped two lumps of sugar into his coffee.约翰在咖啡中放入两块糖。He took a lot of lumps as a kid growing up in the city.作为一个在城里长大的孩子,他挨过不少揍。He had no lower jaw and could not even negotiate the lumps in his soup.他没有下巴,连汤里那一块块的东西都吃不进去。The farmer knocked off the lumps of earth in between the blades of his plough.农夫把犁板片中间的泥块敲掉。I'll be getting the insurance money in two lumps.我将获得的保险金有两大部分。Oatmeal sometimes lumps when it cools.燕麦粥变冷时往往会结块。Women should examine their breasts for lumps.女性应该进行乳房肿块检查。Rashes, boils and lumps caused by insect bites or parasites can be more than a passing problem.由昆虫叮咬或寄生虫导致的皮疹、疖子及肿块可能并不是能扛过去的小病。The team has taken its lumps this year, but their play has improved recently.球队今年吃了不少败仗,但是近期的表现有所好转。She strained the gravy. = She strained the lumps out of the gravy.她过滤了肉汁。




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