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例句 Students need to be computerate as well as literate.学生既要能够使用计算机,又要有文化。We may as well finish off this wine - there's only a little bit left.我们还不如把这瓶酒都喝了——反正只剩下一点了。If you want a Ph.D like that, you might as well cry for the moon.如果你这样就想拿博士学位,那简直是异想天开。Anyway, you're here; you might as well stay.反正你已经在这儿了,那就留下来吧。In theory as well as in practice, the idea is unsound.这个主意在理论上和实践中都站不住脚。We worked hard, but we had some fun as well.我们工作得很辛苦,但也得到了很多乐趣。Many older people find that keeping fit can be fun as well as good for their health.许多老人发现,锻炼身体既有乐趣,又能强身。Such headaches can be precipitated by foods as well as stress.这类头痛会因为饮食和压力而猝发。There's nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed.没什么事可做,我还是睡觉的好。Yoga improves balance as well as flexibility.瑜伽会改善平衡性和灵活性。The outcome depends on conditions as well as how events unfold.结果既取决于所处的环境,也取决于事件如何发展。This novel will appeal to highbrows as well as lowbrows.这部小说将是雅俗共赏的。We're lucky that things turned out as well as they did.我们很幸运,事情的结果跟预料的一样好。Getting old is a source of distress to men as well as women.不管是男人还是女人,变老同样都是造成其苦恼的一个原因。A teacher should entertain as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要激起学生的兴趣。Just as your therapist engages to be honest, you have to engage to be honest as well.正如你的治疗师保证实话实说一样,你也必须保证说实话。The divorce was a bitter parting that cost him financially as well as emotionally.离婚是苦涩的离别,他不但花费了金钱,也耗费了情感。Mr Annan said the region must now strive for economic development as well as peace.安南先生说该地区现在必须为经济发展与和平而奋斗。She is good at softball as well as basketball.她擅长垒球,篮球打得也很好。She shares my troubles as well as my joys.她与我荣辱与共。The woman put forward a red silk as well as a blue one for our inspection.这个妇女拿出一条红丝绸和一条蓝丝绸给我们检查。She painted landscapes as well as portraits.她既画风景,也画肖像。You might as well tell me.你最好还是告诉我。Other technologies work as well or better.其他技术同样可以,或者更好。We cancelled the trip, which was just as well, because it rained.我们取消了旅行,这样也好,因为下雨了。Spanish liberals sought to create linguistic as well as administrative uniformity.西班牙自由主义者寻求语言及行政上的统一。I've seen her out with men as well. She swings both ways, you know.我在外面也看到过她和男人在一起。她对男人和女人都有吸引力,你知道。The consumer is getting screwed by cover charges as well.那个消费者也被骗交纳了服务费。The lighting in the room is functional as well as decorative.房间里的灯具既有装饰性又很实用。They own a house in France as well as a villa in Spain.他们在法国有一栋房子,在西班牙也有一座别墅。Victory brought glory as well as more tangible rewards.胜利带来了荣誉,还带来了切实的奖励。But the bishop is reaching out to perpetrators as well as to victims.但是这个主教在伸向受害者的同时也伸向了暴乱者。It's not just me – there are other people involved as well.不光是我,还有其他人也参加了。It would be just as well to telephone them before we arrive.我们不妨在到达前给他们打个电话。She published historical novels, as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire.她出版了许多历史小说和一部有关英帝国女性的纪实性研究著作。We may as well exchange good-by and go separate ways.我们还是互道再见,分道扬镳吧。The heavyweight politician not only knows his strength but punches his weight as well.这个重量级政客不但知晓自己的实力,而且还竭力使他的实力发挥影响。You might as well give up because nobody can solve this conundrum as it is.你不如就放弃吧,没有人能够解决这道难题的。He could just as well have hitched a ride on a train or a truck headed west.他还可能已经顺路搭上了西去的火车或卡车。Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right.飞机可以通过上下升降和左右移动改变航线来避免相撞。




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