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词汇 汁液
例句 The sap of this plant blisters the skin.这种植物的汁液会使皮肤起水疱。The rate of sap circulation decreases during the winter.汁液的流动速度冬天会下降。Strain the fruit through a sieve, discarding the liquid.用筛子过滤果实,去除汁液The tomatoes are then heated to seal in the juices.随后给西红柿加热以确保汁液不会流出。The juice is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol.经过临床验证,这种汁液可以降低胆固醇。Squeeze a quarter of a lemon over the fish.往鱼上挤四分之一个柠檬的汁液The sap used to make maple syrup is a natural product.用于制作枫糖浆的汁液是一种天然物质。Thick, sticky syrup oozes out of the tree trunk and is collected in buckets.又厚又黏的汁液从树干上渗出,被收集在桶里。He sucked the juice from the orange.他吸出橘子的汁液




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