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词汇 永远记得
例句 He'll be remembered as a caring teacher with a warm presence. 他是一名和蔼可亲的教师,人们将永远记得他。My abiding memory of our first meeting is of a girl too shy to talk.永远记得我们初次见面时她是一个腼腆得连话都不敢说的女孩。My abiding memory is of an afternoon spent wandering through the vineyards.永远记得在葡萄园漫步的那个下午。Listen, I shall be thinking of you always.听着,我会永远记得你的。We will always remember his generous hospitality.我们将永远记得他的慷慨好客。The dead artist's paintings are a permanent reminder of his great talent.这位已故画家的作品使人们永远记得他的伟大天才。I'll always remember the day we first met.我会永远记得我们初次相遇的那一天。I'll always remember the day I first met Fred.我会永远记得我第一次遇见弗雷德的那一天。




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