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词汇 Looking
例句 Looking ahead to next summer, where would you like to go?计划一下明年夏天,你想去哪儿?Looking at the finished product, you wouldn't know it was made from paper.看看这制成品,你看不出是纸做的。Looking after three children all day is very wearing.从早到晚照顾三个孩子是非常累人的。Looking up at the stars always makes me feel so small and insignificant.仰望星空总让我觉得自己如此渺小。Looking at her now you'd never guess she'd been so upset.看她现在的样子你怎么也想不到她曾经是多么伤心。Looking after children requires patience.照料孩子需要耐心。Looking after her grandchildren seemed to be her whole raison d'être.照看孙子好像成为了她生活的全部内容。Looking at the figures, you could be forgiven for thinking the recession is already over.看看这些数字,难怪你会觉得经济衰退已经结束了。Looking southeastward, they could see the distant mountains.朝东南望去,他们可以看到远处的山脉。Looking at Chet caused her stomach to flutter.看了切特一眼让她的胃痉挛了。Their first single was a hymn to selfishness called 'Looking After Number One'.他们的第一首单曲唱片是颂扬利己的一首歌,名为《珍惜自我》。Looking through the cabin window I saw the flicker of flames.透过木屋的窗户我看到了闪烁的火光。Looking at these fossils, I see some similarity to modern-day birds.看着这些化石,我发现它们和现代鸟类有些相似之处。Looking to the future, the Government will firm up their plans for a cleaner, greener, safer Britain.展望未来,政府将更加明确其计划,建设一个更清洁、更环保、更安全的英国。Looking at the rip in her new dress, she flew into a rage.看到新连衣裙上的口子,她勃然大怒。Looking at the sales figures, we can see a steady rise in profits.从销售数据可以看出,利润在稳步增长。Looking after babies doesn't come naturally to all new mothers.并非所有的新妈妈天生都会照看婴儿的。Looking ahead, I think the company needs to develop some new services.展望未来,我觉得公司需要开发一些新的服务项目。Looking out across the ocean, he saw land.隔海望去,他看到了陆地。Looking into the crystal ball, it's safe to say that interest rates will rise next year.预测一下未来,可以很明确地说明年利率会上升。Looking after pre-school children is very tiring.照顾学龄前儿童是很累人的。Looking after the house was viewed as a woman's domain.料理家务被认为是属于妇女的职责范围。Looking about me, I could see no sign of the others.我环顾四周,看不到其他人的身影。Looking stricken, she stood up and walked away from him.她看上去颇受打击,站起来从他身边走开了。Looking at the ground plan of these churches, they appear almost like two buildings in one.从平面图上看,这些教堂几乎一模一样。Looking at her watch was her indirect way of telling him it was time to leave.她看了看表,委婉地提示他该走了。Looking back I could see that the rest of the group were catching up with us.我回头看到组里的其他人快要赶上我们了。Looking relaxed and confident, the president answered a barrage of questions from the press.总统看上去既轻松又自信,回答了报界连珠炮似的提问。Looking after small children can be very stressful.照顾年幼的孩子压力会很大。Looking back, I think I did the best I could.回想一下,我觉得我已经尽了全力了。Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.今后回想起来你就会明白,你这段低潮期并非是你事业发展的终点。She opened with an impressive version of 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'.她以一首优美动人的《我仍在寻找》开场。Looking at that photo always bring back unhappy memories.看到那张照片总是让人回想起不愉快的往事。Looking back, I see things differently now.回顾过去,现在我看待事情的方式不一样了。Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.回顾过去的作用在于帮助你从错误中吸取教训。Looking in the mirror, she quickly retouched her lips.她照着镜子,迅速地描了描嘴唇。Looking tired and fat, Parker shambled onto the stage and started playing.帕克看上去又疲倦又肥胖,蹒跚着走上舞台开始演奏。Looking back on it, I've absolutely no idea why I said that.回想此事,我一点儿也不知道我为什么说那样的话。Looking at those old photos really rolled back the years.看着这些老照片,往事历历在目。Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged.回头一想,我惊异地发现这一切的安排竟是如此简单。




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