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词汇 looked
例句 The child looked at the stranger with distrust.那孩子用怀疑的目光望著陌生人。I looked, and there he was, riding a horse, with a double barreled shotgun on his shoulder.我看了看,发现他在那儿,骑着马,肩上扛着一把双筒猎枪。I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked.我最后一次看见他就在上个星期,觉得他看上去非常衰老、虚弱。Nora looked through the mail.诺拉大致看了一下那封信。He looked out at the snow.他看着外面的雪。He tipped his chair back and looked at me.他把椅子往后一靠,盯着我看。He looked up at her quizzically.他带着探询的眼神抬头看着她。She stood at the gate and looked after us.她站在大门口,目送我们离去。The chair looked a little wobbly.这把椅子看起来有些晃荡了。Depth of training is looked upon with favour by many employers.许多雇主看重培训的深度。They looked as if they were heading for the train station.他们看上去像是朝火车站去了。Mary looked at her with a bemused expression.玛丽一脸茫然地看着她。The carpets, curtains, and cushions had all seen better days but still looked quite pretty.地毯、窗帘、垫子都已失去旧日的光彩,但看上去仍挺漂亮。People looked to see where the noise was coming from.人们察看那个声响是从哪里来的。They looked at each other warily.他们警惕地看着彼此。These letters, when looked at from a biographer's point of view, must be treated with great caution.从传记作者的角度来看,这些信件应该谨慎处理。He consoled himself that Emmanuel looked like a nice boy, who could be a good playmate for his daughter.他安慰自己说,伊曼纽尔看上去是个不错的男孩,会是女儿的好玩伴。Janet looked very pregnant.珍妮特看上去显然是怀孕了。Traders looked eastwards to India and beyond.商人把眼光投向东方的印度和更远的地区。Gina was so heavily made up she looked as if she was wearing a mask.吉娜妆化得很浓,看上去好像戴了面具似的。He looked indifferently upon subjects that did not interest him.他对于那些引不起他兴趣的课题非常冷淡。He told a rather rude joke, and every one looked embarrassed.他讲了一个相当粗俗的笑话,使每个人都非常尴尬。He looked her squarely in the eye.他直盯著她眼睛看。She looked every inch a vampire in her costume.她穿那身装束看起来真像吸血鬼。Tony looked tired and over-anxious.托尼看起来很疲惫而且过分焦虑。If you looked perchance at the back of Waugh's cap at the World Cup, you would have seen a number embossed on it.如果你不经意间看到沃在世界杯上戴的帽子的后面,你可能已经注意到上面有一个凸起的数字。I got out of bed and looked out to sea.我起床后向大海望去。We made the whole house over so it looked more modern.我们翻修了整个房子,所以它看上去更时尚了。At one point he looked like winning.他一度接近胜利。After the marathon, most of the competitors looked all in.跑完马拉松,大多数参加比赛的人显得疲乏不堪。The man looked like a clerical.这人看起来像个牧师。Every so often, Frank looked up at me and smiled.埃夫里偶尔抬起头朝我笑笑。I looked round me in astonishment.我惊愕地环视四周。We looked all over for you.我们刚才到处找你。The book is generally looked down upon by literary highbrows.自恃文学修养高的人一般都看不上这本书。He looked away from the computer screen to rest his eyes.他把视线从电脑显示屏上移开,让眼睛休息一下。He looked closely at every last one of them.他端详了他们每一个人。She looked from her clothes like some kind of high-powered executive.从她的衣着看来,她像是什么高级主管。I looked ahead to see what sort of conveyance we were to ride in.我朝前望了望,想看看我们将乘坐怎样的交通工具。She looked at me queerly and didn't seem to know how to answer.她以奇异的目光望著我,似乎不知道如何回答。




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