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词汇 long hours
例句 She was able to work long hours without detriment to her health. 她能长时间工作而不损害健康。People in the UK work excessively long hours.英国人的工作时间过长。Our hospitals are short of cash. Add to that the long hours doctors work, and you have a recipe for disaster.我们医院资金短缺,再加上医生工作时间长,这些早晚都是祸根。A lot of people are put off becoming teachers by the long hours and the low pay.当教师工作时间长而且收入低,这就使不少人对这工作望而却步。Workers toiled long hours.工人们长时间地辛苦工作。He's paid well but he works long hours.他薪水很高,可是工作时间也很长。The job involves strenuous work and long hours.这项工作很艰苦,而且要花很长时间。The long hours of work have wearied me.长时间的工作使我疲劳。I'll be working long hours for slave wages!为那丁点儿血汗钱我得当牛做马好几个小时!We work long hours both outside and inside the home and we rush around trying to fit everything in.我们家里家外长时间忙活,忙完这里忙那里,想把一切都搞定。The long hours at work have put/placed a strain on me.长时间工作使我产生了焦虑情绪。They often spent long hours in congested traffic.他们经常一连好几个小时被堵在拥挤的交通中。When you're working such long hours, it's inevitable that your marriage will start to suffer.你老是这么加班,婚姻难免会受影响。They were bitterly resentful of the fact that they had to work such long hours.他们对于不得不工作这么长时间感到很不满。I can't carry on working such long hours. It's not fair on my family.这样长时间工作我干不下去了,那对我家人不公平。They forced us to work long hours without pay.他们强迫我们长时间工作,却不付工钱。Doctors are being forced to work impossibly long hours.医生们被迫长时间工作,时间长得令人难以置信。If you continue to work such long hours, you will exhaust yourself.如果继续这样长时间工作,你会筋疲力尽的。Men. women and children spent long hours toiling in the fields, whatever the weather conditions.不论天气好坏,男男女女、老老少少都长时间在田里辛勤劳动。Farm workers are complaining about long hours and low wages.农场工人抱怨工时长,薪水低。She was a TV reporter and worked long hours.她是个电视台记者,总是工作到很晚。I resented having to work such long hours.工作时间这么长,我很有怨气。They suffered long hours, unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay.他们在不安全的工作环境下长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。It's tough being a reporter. For openers, there are the long hours.当一名记者可不轻松。首先是工作时间很长。You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people.不得不加班,这让很多人非常反感。Advertising puts pressure on parents to work long hours, in order to buy things that their children don't need.广告给父母亲们施加了压力,让他们延长工作时间以便为子女购买不必要的东西。A new report exposes the plight of skilled nurses, who work long hours for very low rates of pay.有一篇新的报道披露了熟练护士的困境,她们工作时间长,工资待遇非常低。My secretary worked long hours translating my almost illegible writing into a typewritten and readable script.我的秘书花了很长时间把我写的几乎无法辨认的手稿用打字机打印成易读的文本。She works very long hours.她上班的时间很长。He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage.他的工作时间很长,这对他的婚姻不利。Swimming necessarily involves long hours of strenuous training.游泳势必要进行一连数小时的艰苦训练。With jobs so scarce, many young people spend long hours with little to do but drink and stew.工作机会很少,许多年轻人除了喝酒和消磨时间外,整天无所事事。If you keep working these long hours, you're just going to exhaust yourself. = Working these long hours will just exhaust you.如果持续工作这么长时间,你会感到精疲力竭。A lot of managers spend long hours in their cars and exercise very little.许多经理人员长时间坐在汽车里,很少锻炼。The job pays well. The biggest trade-off is that you have to work long hours.这份工作报酬不错。最大的代价是较长的工作时间。She is used to working long hours. 她习惯了一连工作好多个小时。I felt great resentment at having to work such long hours.对于不得不工作这么长时间我深感不满。There's no percentage in working such long hours.这样加班加点地工作可没什么好处。Working these long hours is killing me.这样长时间工作让我痛苦不堪。Running your own business usually involves working long hours.自己经营企业通常要长时间工作。




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